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Posts posted by S7C

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sooky said:

    We have retained the Calcutta Cup despite being 31-0 down at a place we haven’t won at since 1983. I’m not sad or annoyed. Just proud.

    I'm all of the above. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    9 minutes ago, GiGi said:
    Toothless really but what an effort this half. Some pride restored and avoided a pumping.

    Is this really what we've aspired to. Our fucking attitude stinks

    It's the Scottish mentality. Fine with losing as long as it isn't a battering. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, GiGi said:

    No they won't.

    This game is shite but it's not helping that Wales are basically allowed to do whatever they like in the ruck. The ref is fucking pish. Scotland penalised for everything.

    It's funny that the constant factor in every Scotland loss on here is "the ref". 

  4. I think it's safe to say that we've regressed. We're not getting through the pool at the WC in this form. Having a healthy squad could make a difference, but the number of mistakes we make is astounding. 

  5. I think we've gone backwards in the last year or two as well, even without injuries. There's certainly no sign of any improvement, and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see Japan go through at our expense on home soil.

  6. 6 hours ago, Rodhull said:

    I'm also heading to Japan (and Korea) in the summer and was wondering if any of you guys had used any of the pre-paid data Sims while over there? Been looking at one by a company called klook but looks like there are a few options out there. Like the idea of a sim more than the portable WiFi. Seems like less hassle.

    I bought one in a vending machine :lol: Perhaps the most Japanese thing ever.

    Bit of a hassle to get set up but worth it in the end.

  7. 20 minutes ago, bennett said:

    The H word is associated with religion due to the context used in N Ireland which has spread over here.

    No such thing as whataboutery, which is basically used when one side wishes to attack the other and receive no criticism back. Rather than face up to their own problems.


    *** is not sectarian bennett. If it were, then every fanbase outwith Rangers in Scotland is guilty.

    The word *** has never been associated with Scottish protestants - it's a derogatory term for Rangers fans and their barbaric behaviour - who by the way used to use it as a term for Celtic fans back in the 70s. So how does that work? You only claim that it's sectarian out of desperation to play the victim.

  8. 47 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I always wonder about Rangers fans who complain about being called "orange", when their club actively encourages such stereotypes by selling orange shirts and ones with sashes on them.

    I've always wondered why there's a desperation from some to equate the OO with 'Protestantism'. One is a religion, the other is an organisation that revolves around bigotry and a hate of Catholicism. In reality the OO seem to have hijacked the term in order to drive the notion that people's hate of them is sectarian. 

    And before anyone says anything, no - I don't condone any chants containing "OBs" or similar. Partly because a lot of the time it's used against those with no association with the organisation. If you're chanting it at orangemen or your far right, bigoted, walk-attending Rangers fan, well... then they are technically that. But if you're aiming it at someone like Craig Levein it's just cringey and frankly pathetic - and that's when the sectarian undertones start to seep in.

  9. 1 hour ago, MSU said:

    The numbers look like the huge jump was very much Sevco related. The drop off the cliff less so. Seven consecutive years below 50,000 is tricky to ignore.

    I think it definitely had something to do with it. I think Brendan Rodgers had a huge impact as well. Had Deila remained in charge, or had they appointed someone like Owen Coyle, would there have been such a significant increase? I don't think so.

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