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Posts posted by S7C

  1. 13 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    He doesn't use it as a direct excuse as much as a mitigation.

    He has so far used

    - anti-irish sentiment

    - hair colour

    - depression

    But no I don't think he has ever said "I threw a chair at him because I'm depressed".

    Mind you when people commit serious crime and try to use "diminished responsibility" they do the same.

    They don't say I did it because....

    They say I did it but.....

    Oh, OK. 

    So you've been posting absolute shite then. 

  2. Just now, Crawford said:

    Read above comment. He is a part of the problem. It is a serious condition not to be trivialised by violent and aggressive thugs as an excuse to act in such a way. It is clear we disagree and that is fine.

    Ignorance is bliss and if you feel it is okay for folk to use mental illness in such a way for their own gains then that's fine. I'm the ignorant one.

    Where is he trivialising it or using it for his own gains? And at what point can someone come forward about their issues without being accused of trivialising it? 

    You're the only one that has "brought it out of the box". 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    Oh god. Here we go.

    Talk to friends - YES

    Talk to charity services - YES

    Get support you are entitled to - YES

    Use it to avoid accountability - NO

    Where is he using it to avoid accountability? He has been open about his struggles in the past and I commend him for it. I wish more people would do the same. I haven't seen him use it as an excuse for his behaviour, which at times admittedly crosses the line. 

    Why bother talking to others about it if there are people like you out there who instantly dismiss it and think it's just an excuse for people to blame their problems on?  

    You're plain ignorant and a contributor towards the problem.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Crawford said:

    Not really. A joke is a joke and if you don't find it funny then fair enough.

    Lennon is a twat for making his mental health a pawn to avoid responsibility and accountability.

    That is unacceptable. And as for a mask? What are you actually talking about? It's a forum. It's my opinion. I have at no point pertained to be anything.

    Thanks though for your concern. :lol:

    As scummy a post as you'll ever see on here. 


    9 minutes ago, edinabear said:

    I think it's entirely pertinent. Alex Salmond had no issues with what Keith O'Brien did and astonishingly described him as a 'good guy.'  Some of these accusations go back to this time so of course one sex offender would not call out another one. 

    This has killed off any notion of another Indyref.  It's dead and the majority of Scotland laughs at Separatists everyday.

    I find it laughable that you think you belong among the group that is "the majority of Scotland".

    The majority of the population would be disgusted at the thought of even being remotely associated with you. Regardless of their stance on independence.

  6. 41 minutes ago, edinabear said:

    Horrible, disgusting scumbag, I wonder if those separatists feel a bit silly about their fundraiser now.  Also puts massive amounts of pressure on wee nippy as she clearly has known about this for some time and did nothing.

    I bet you get excited about child abuse allegations as well. 

  7. On 11/24/2018 at 00:23, Zetterlund said:

    How are the folks from earlier in the thread doing, anyone still in the crypto game? It's been a bloodbath since the nosebleed territory at the end of 2017, but those who got in early enough may still be well up.

    I cashed out pretty much all my profits on 7 January when it became apparent that every shitcoin under the sun had already been pumped. 

    Sitting on about 40 % of what I left in. It's a mess just now. I recently moved all my remaining funds into one token. An all or nothing approach, but I'm in risk free. 

  8. I booked flights with Icelandair in January for £261 return. Definitely no frills. Just travelling with hand luggage and no meals, but I couldn't care less about that. I usually just go with hand luggage anyway. Only works if you work in a 1 night stopover in Reykjavik. Just in case any of you guys are looking for flights. 


  9. 5 hours ago, ArabGaz said:


    What is Ataturk like for connecting flights? I’m looking at using Turkish Airlines next year and there is a 90 minute connection in Istanbul. Would this be enough time?


    It's not the nicest airport in the world, but I think 90 minutes should be enough time.

    The only time I've had a problem there was when there was a terrorist attack in Istanbul a few days beforehand. In that instance security between flights becomes a chaotic mess. It gets very busy between 11pm and 1am in my experience as that's when a lot of the Asian flights are leaving and coming in.

  10. 2 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

    I looked up the prices for flights for Japan once and they were by far the cheapest.  I assumed they must be a bit rubbish for the price though!

    Turkish are great. The food is actually pretty good. I've flown with them to Japan twice.

    If you're travelling business class or are lucky enough to know someone who can get you into the Turkish airlines lounge it's the best airport lounge I've ever been in.

    The one disadvantage of flying with them is that if your connecting flight in Istanbul is delayed then you're not entitled to compensation with Turkey being outwith the EU, although I guess you could say the same for Emirates or Etihad. Can't beat a bit of compensation, especially if it's more than the cost of the flight :lol: I'll quite happily sit in an airport for a few hours for 600 Euros.

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