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Old Bing

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Everything posted by Old Bing

  1. Anybody seen anything of this guy? Hes 21 plays for Huddersfield and scores goals. His mums Scottish according to Wikipedia. He's played for england up to under 19s Just wondering if anybody has watched this guy play and might it be worth seeing if he's interested.
  2. Do you keep up with the news, how's this looking now In the papers mate, you should check them out sometime
  3. Im not sure if that guys even posted on the thread before. But very unfair to compare him to a fire stoker like myself. Anyway see "auld" Henry's managed to forget the question he couldnt answer
  4. The players are paid to represent the country, where do you think the money comes from to do this if not from the fans?
  5. That would have been a good idea for you 4 posts ago. I've seen this alot now accusations of people "losing their shit" "wanting him strung up". Where as people wanted a clear issue dealt with, which it was. Thankfully the manager isn't a lilly livered softy like the posters on here wanting to pretend nothing had even happened.
  6. I'm not on twitter so I don't know what's being said but I've not seen anyone "losing their shit" on here. The player and manager had a discussion about it, then the player spoke to the squad about it. Then the press were informed of this. If nobody was bothered or interested within the squad then none of that would have happened. You can not agree if you want, but it would be silly.
  7. In the record article it also specificly said mcburnie had apologised. They never had anything verbatim from the horses mouth but how could they. It's irrelevant really whether he explained or apologised. It's just grasping at straws Hopefully he plays and plays well. As panderilla alludes it may be exactly what he needs in a strange way.
  8. He didnt speak to the manager and squad now?
  9. The non story he felt needed explaining to the manager and squad? Yes let's move on, you were wrong it's not the end of the world ffs
  10. At this point all you can do is contact mcburnie and tell him he's wrong to have talked to the manager and squad. And ask him to retract it.
  11. I'd have alot of respect for him if he had done that tho
  12. Whether he apologised or explained himself or a bit of both. Is not important, what is important is he addressed the issue with the manager and then the squad and sorted it out. He didnt try to pretend it was something else. So fair play to him
  13. If you read the thread burnie man you will see many times I've said that I don't agree with booing or alienating the player. He made a mistake he apologised end of, so don't try and change my point to suit a new narrative. The roasters here are the guys saying he was talking about a Sheffield utd game, or a night out! That was just weird
  14. Seems he or others felt like he needed to explain himself, which he did so well done to him for admitting he got it wrong
  15. Seems there was something in this after all. It's unconfirmed at the moment, but it's reported that McBurnie actually said that. Savage Henry, forameus, burnie man, Jeremiah Cole and the snudge were completely wrong. And that I was correct all along
  16. This is seeming exceedingly more and more likely. There's an undercover infiltrator in the camp. We should have seen it earlier it's obvious. He's got an English accent, he never scores.
  17. If you look thru the very thread your on you will see numerous links to the story on national newspapers and large Web sites.
  18. You can go and listen to the enhanced audio yourself. It's clear enough to make out. Seems a pointless exercise tho. He could say he was going to go into the stands and take a shit on the tartan army's heads and you would be ok with that.
  19. Of course, he's talking about a night out. He's been called up for a night out squad, but he really doesn't want to go. Fleck can't be in the night out, cos he's not been called up. Mcburnie asks if he's injured, but hes just not been called up. So now he thinks it's shit he's going out on the night out on his own. I wonder why he's even going? But once you get called up for the night out squad you feel obliged to go. Either that or its the Scotland squad.
  20. Impossible to gather context? Maybe for you. So when he says to fleck (his roommate on internationals) after asking is he was injured. "your going to make me go on my own" Unless for the next Sheffield utd match they have selected a squad of just one man. The man being mcburnie Originally it was a 2 man squad fleck and mcburnie, but fleck pulled out. So now mcburnie is having to go and represent Sheffield utd on his own. Rightly he is asking questions, 2 man squad was bad enough. Either that or quite obviously it's the Scotland squad their talking about.
  21. He doesn't have to, my opinion is I think he should. He can say what he wants yes, as can you and I. But sometimes you or I or him could say something which offends people. Like if your playing for your country, and your saying it's "shit" that's not the kind of thing which will endear him to alot of people. Hence explaining himself and stating his commitment would help repair any damage. Some people will probably boo him now every game, which I think would be childish. Much like his comments in the first place.
  22. Depends on what it was on. If it's just a clip from a longer program they had on it looks like they just missed it. Or never thought about it much. If mcburnie was talking about something else, or joking with fleck and it meant nothing he should come out and say that. Or apologise if he was slagging Scotland off. The score the winner in both games and alls sorted
  23. I don't believe that for one second. Not a personal dig at you by any means. But everyone enjoys a skive at work, not a chance your 100% on the ball all the time your there. Now say you really loved your job? More chance you would be, of course? For example, I'm an electrician. Which I enjoy aspects of. If say I was Jennifer Lawrences in house gigolo. I imagine I would be enjoying my job a hell of alot more. And in turn would be more committed and give a better performance at work. Hence, if the guy doesn't want to be selected. He's not going to try his best
  24. If you think it fine players saying they hope they don't get selected and playing for your country is shite, fair enough I don't at all. I don't consider myself in any way a tartan army foot soldier either. How is someone going to perform to the best of their abilities if they don't even want to be there in the first place? He should be given a chance to explain/apologise. If he doesn't we should get rid
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