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Posts posted by Girth

  1. 1 hour ago, BillyAnchor said:

    I was much more a singles punk but:


    1. Inflammable material-SLF

    2. The Incredible Shinking Dickies-Dickies

    3. The feeding of the 5000-Crass

    4. Fresh fruit for rotten vegetables-Dead Kennedys

    5. How could hell be any worse-Bad Religion

    5 bona-fide classics. 

  2. 17 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

    This was on Sky Atlantic but maybe now on Netflix. Has lots of good stuff on how NWA came about.

    Bought Straight Outta Compton on vinyl when it came out ( I was about 10 or 11) and still remember the goosebumps within the first 15 seconds 


    Back on track.. ska, two tone, British punk. Never really done it for me.

    Excuse Me What GIF by Biden Inauguration Committee

  3. 2 minutes ago, RawB93 said:

    It's a well known fact that Tannadice was built on sand dunes in what was once known as the Stobi Desert.

    Aye, been like this forever. It's the risk of using existing waterways as part of the drainage system - they're already taking water in from much further afield. They're also much smaller capacity than they need to be, in case of weather events like we've seen. Same story as down by the bus station/dock st which is near where the Dens burn and Scouring burn meet and head toward the Tay.

    Flood Prevention Report 2009


  4. 15 hours ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    Would love this game and the Dundee v Rangers to be postponed just for the giggles.

    I have an odd feeling about it as I think we'll lose if it goes ahead but we'll play better than the last couple as this fixture will suit us more.

    Would be delighted with a point but think we'll lose 2-1.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Handshake GIF

  5. If The Doc and the board want to push on then perhaps, that's the thinking behind the price increase. However, attendances are pretty low as it.

    More young ones seem to be interested in The Dee now (great to see) - anyone aware of the work the club does with local schools etc?

    I know The DABs give away about 50000 tickets to kids. 

    Also, @johnnydunI hope you're doing well Sir. 

    Thank you. 

    P.S. Can someone start The Motherwell thread please? I've banned myself from starting threads.

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