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Everything posted by Girth

  1. Debating whether to tune in and watch this mauling later...
  2. Lets hope The Captain is given time to complete his mission...
  3. Airdrie just took the lead at The DABnasium.
  4. My spidey senses tell me this is a nailed on Pars win.
  5. Exactly. After 5 mins you'd be like 'not coming here again. Complete oddballs'.
  6. The Rainjurz are even more annoying this season, as they seem to be winning a lot. G'wan the Killie. Thank you.
  7. I think whatever the result, we can all agree Hibs will be the moral winners here. Thank you.
  8. I'm looking at coming to Aberdeen vs. Dundee in April. What's the facilities like for away fans? Any recommended boozers etc? I expect to be given freedom of the city and treated with the utmost respect. Thank you.
  9. Lolz. Probably a 0-0 in all seriousness or 6-6.
  10. Into 'em from the off please Doc. Don't roll over and show no fear. Thank you.
  11. Best of luck against The Wet Farts Hibees. We'll have to go and horse the green cheek next. Thank you.
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