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  1. I doubt we'd get 20% sell on would think it would be nearer 10. Rae and Telfer moved to Premier league this summer, Mackay Steven and Gow the only others really I can think off. Rohan got a move to Motherwell but only played 1 or 2 games I think.
  2. Its just my opinion, we've sold Devenny for roughly 150 all in with a sell on clause added. Josh Edwards to went to Charlton for 90, granted he's a few years older than Hancock but is worth double or triple than Edwards in the market? Probably not, especially when his contracts up in the summer. I don't its difficult to come up with a rough estimate.
  3. He did have a few offers here, turned Raith and St Johnstone down to try and get a deal back down south.
  4. As someone said earlier there’s no way we’ll hold out for 500 thousand for Hancock anything from 150 upwards with sell on fees would 100% be accepted.
  5. Really good positive performance regardless of result, mcgregor going off at half time kind of killed us 2nd half. A win on Saturday surely will be enough to get us through. Imagine saying a couple of years ago we’d be able to go up to Aberdeen and compete against them, only way is up!
  6. Very possibly, don’t think money is the whole reason of the move tho. Think his attitude has changed recently due to new strikers coming in.
  7. Why keep an unhappy player on the bench or on the stands? Realistically no one will pay much money for him so saves a hassle, guy had a good season with us and looks as he's left on relatively good terms even though he wanted out, unlike dycey. Hearing Toddy is off to Accies.
  8. Exactly this mate, believe this was the case and he’s already found a new club.
  9. Would say centre half is more needed atm, would like to see reid get a few games and if he doesn’t look up to it can always try loan a striker in September.
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