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Posts posted by Dons_1988

  1. 1 hour ago, Fide said:

    Whereas your actual place is 9th. And this "you took the bait" patter is most tiresome. Begone. This thread is for box office teams. And yes, i am aware you beat us in the cup. Well done. 

    lol get fucked. I made an absolutely benign post about killie and the usual happens. I had no intention of spamming the thread and put it to an end before you jumped in with this drivel. Pipe down. I like Derek mcinnes and continue to take an interest in his career. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Ric said:

    Yes, you did swallow it, and quickly too. I'm impressed how quickly you were ensnared. You really should have seen the "imo" and realised you were walking into bait.

    How's the battle for 10th going? I hear you finally won a league game. I'm proud of you lads, well done.


    You’re not very good at this unfortunately. 

    Battle for 10th isn’t going too well though as we find ourselves in 9th. 

  3. The worst thing about handball is it just feels like a total lottery, both in terms of whether they’re going to give it or not and also a defender finding themselves in that situation where a ball ricochets and their arm happens to be away from their side in that moment. 

    Just in the last run of games we’ve benefitted yesterday plus devlin vs hibs, but suffered against Dundee and st Johnstone. None of which I really want to see given as handballs as a neutral. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, welldaft said:

    His post match interview on You Tube absolutely mentioned his team were not up to recent standards to lose to a shit poor and embarrassing Aberdeen team.

    An Aberdeen team with the 3rd or 4th largest budget that have become a laughing stock around the world due to how they are being run and mismanaged. 

    But you glory in beating a team 1-0 with a fraction of the budget with debatable VAR decisions. 

    Shows how far the Famous (were a long time ago) Aberdeen have fallen . Quite funny truth be told…

    :lol: Ahh I did miss winning games

  5. 48 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

    Less than I've seen us, tbf, and I've fucking seen us.

    I thought there was f**k all in it tbh. We had chances. If the handball law wasn't a fucking nonsense we'd probably have taken a point and who'd be arsed. 

    Folk throwing their toys out the pram at it is so entirely predictable.

    I couldn’t make it today so I really have no contribution to the discussion. But sounds like we played ok but got a slice of luck to get the points. Would love to say we’ve deserved a bit of luck but I wouldn’t be wholly convinced. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    It must genuinely be policy, and indeed has been for a long time, that the Celtic or Sevco game is always the live one (unless they aren't playing).

    Don’t think there’s any doubt about that tbh. I would like to know the data they (presumably) have on listening figures to support it. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Ric said:

    Is it? Is it really? A previous long-term employee being discussed when the position is available? :rolleyes:

    Ok, then, I'll trust you... I mean you must surely know what Cormack is going to do, so why not let us know the name of your manager now. Why wait for it to be officially announced?




    I know the st Mirren fans are having a competition as to who can lose the run of themselves the most over us but if you could just leave me out of it please. 

  8. Just now, Ric said:


    The lad was with you for 8 years, and many would consider that tenure 'more successful' than those who have followed. He's currently leading a team that not only sits above you in the league, but you've failed to beat this season. Yet it's strange and doesn't make sense when he's linked? What are you expecting here? Ferguson to come out of retirement and lead you back to the glory days?

    I'm not saying that he will get the job, I'm saying he is probably the top domestic target, along with Robinson and/or a returning McInnes, assuming Clement, Rodgers and Naismith are well out of your price range.

    That said, I admire you relying on Cormack making an 'unstrange' appointment and one that 'makes logical sense'... you know, like the last one.


    What an absolutely bizarre post.

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