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Posts posted by Dons_1988

  1. It is not bullshit my banner making friend.


    It was admitted by your fellow don and finally admitted by your fellow sheep worrier, stoney.


    Is there bitterness towards Rangers? Yes


    Is there bitterness from Rangers to everyone else? Yes


    This is not new information and why anyone is quibbling over it is beyond me as it has no significance whatsoever.  To anything.

  2. I see Walter also said "I think it [ill feeling towards Rangers] will always be there.'


    Judging by the reaction on this thread then it looks like he is right about this too.


    You're right.  He is right.  It will always be there.


    And you guys will all champion it as being 'all about the rangers' and 'no one likes us, we don't care' then spit the dummy out if it ever goes tits up again and no one has any sympathy.

  3. :lol:



    Looks like it! :lol:


    (Although you forgot St Mirren.)


    Well...I maybe gave too much credit to Walter in assuming that he knows relegation was a core part of the SPL system prior to their demise and that he would recognise that every year at least one team would be relegated.


    I presumed (maybe wrongly) that he was referring specifically to the three traditionally larger clubs that have been relegated.  Nothing to do with Hibs just being absolutely gash (even pre 2012) and Hearts Lithuanian bank pulling the plug on them

  4. I don't think jacks *** leanings are the issue.

    Him getting the captaincy at such a young age in circumstances which are interpreted as a sweetener to stay with the club I think have made him a focal point for criticism, some of it very justifiable, some of it very unfair.

    I like jack a lot as a player and think he's actually under appreciated. Although granted he hasn't performed to his best this year. I think it may be best for him to hand over the captaincy as its creating a negativity between him and he support or he may decide to move on. I hope it's the former.

  5. Keeper, centre half and centre mid a priority for me.


    As mentioned above, midfield has crumbled too many times this season and Flood isn't as effective as he used to be.  Someone to do the ugly stuff and get a grip of the game when it is falling away from us.


    Scott Brown is not good enough, no two ways about it.  I honestly don't think he's any better than Langfield and if he was to stick around a similar length of time to Langfield he'd be equally as criticised.


    I think the introduction of a new keeper would probably help the centre halves at least from a confidence perspective, but I think Reynolds is finished unfortunately unless he can adapt his game to the yard of pace he's lost over the past wee while.


    I still think there's hope for Ash Taylor but at times he does look very uncomfortable, however I think with the right partner in there he will improve.

  6. Not at all, rather be a poor wee diddie than a bigoted club with a cult following of hate filled sectarian mineded fans stuck in the dark ages.  Who carry a Union Jack to football games like its a club symbol.


    To be fair to you my rant comes across rangersesq and a bit of a mess  :)


    Were the spelling mistakes to highlight its "rangersesq" nature?


    ETA - what did you actually edit that for?

  7. I love the fact that some sad cases have complained over the sight of a rangers mug , deary me you can imagnine the frothing at the tele screen when it popped up , i just hope the diddy dugs avoided a good shoeing in the process


    Did you read the article?


    It is paranoia from the Rangers fans up there with your friends across the city who you claim to be so different from

  8. I don't think that'll happen Dolly but if you're not in the race then I can see how some folk wouldn't really care.

    The SPL/premiership title race hasn't really bothered me that much for the last 4 years or so,next year that may change.

    Sheep improving, arts improving, them slipping, the Gers hopefully improving. Could be exciting, could be shite.


    I don't think it will happen overnight but over the course of time normal service will resume, I am pretty confident of that.

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