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Posts posted by Illgresi

  1. Thought we were very good for most of the first half, then the penalty seemed to switch the momentum in the game. That said, for all Dundee's possession in the second half, didn't ever really feel like we were in trouble. Devlin and Ruby were absolute colossal, and Molloy and MacKenzie very good also.

    Thought we were guilty of overplaying around the Dundee box too frequently. Still, sign of a league winning team being able to dig out wins away from home like that. Bring on the tarts.

  2. 1 hour ago, accies1874 said:

    Tbf it's only been Aberdeen, Celtic and Motherwell who have consistently been able to get good fees for their players for about five years now. Each team will have the odd example (Dykes at Livi, Nisbet at Hibs, Taylor at Killie) but the three mentioned at the top are clearly doing something right on a consistent basis that no one else is. 

    (someone please come in and tell me I'm wrong)

    To be fair to the **** (first time for everything I guess), they managed to pull off daylight robbery by receiving a combined total of £31.5M for Patterson and Bassey. The mind boggles. Obviously delightful to see that they've completely spunked that away with absolutely f**k all to show for it of course.

  3. 3 hours ago, Flammable sheep said:

    There's more to defensive play than being at wing back though. Pressing with the rest of the front line, tracking runs, helping out his full back – these are all things a winger should do. I don't see him pressing effectively or helping Sokler out – maybe it's by instruction, but he always seems to be halfway towards the opposition full back but never close enough when Sokler starts to press. I think there was a big difference on Sunday when he went off and McGrath moved to the right, we gained more control on the right side.

    Morris is fine against bottom half and lower league teams and he looks to have improved since his debut, and I would love to see him progress more. Other players just have more natural talent and football brains, which I don't see him developing 

    It is perfectly possible that he's not very good at that stuff because he's never been asked to do it before. I'm willing to wait and see whether Thelin can get a tune out of him, rather than a hasty judgement of a 22 year old that was played out of position for half of his twenty-something appearances.

    It's not like Niall McGinn did much tracking back, and I'm sure most would agree he's the best right winger we've had in a long time.

  4. Regards Morris, the common slight against him is that he has no end product. He definitely needs to be more consistent there, but there are numerous examples of end product from this season alone. The ones that jump out my head are the cross for Sokler's goal vs QotS, and the outside-of-the-boot, perfectly weighted through ball to Sokler just the other day (for the penalty shout). Folk make their mind up, then steadfastly refuse to see any progress.

    The other main criticism is that he's poor defensively. Well, thankfully, we no longer appear to have an absolute lunatic as manager and as such he's not being asked to play at wing back, so...

  5. Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I think Sokler with good service will be more than adequate for a domestic compaign. In fact I suspect he'll net around 20 goals this season, possibly more. Easy to forget that he's not actually played much football since he arrived at the club.

    I also think there are far better uses for the Miovski money than buying another striker.

    Also, some of the shade thrown at Morris and Gueye is way over the top. Both have considerable flaws to their games, but fixable flaws, and both have looked significantly better under Thelin's guidance.

  6. Good result. St. Mirren to be fair to them will have half an eye on midweek, as we found to our cost time and again last season. Most pleasing thing from our perspective was that we clearly have a lot of room for improvement. We look to be playing with a real thought out structure that can be highly successful. Most of the breakdowns in play and defensive issues came from individual errors, which will improve as the players get fitter, and we add more talent.

    Positive signs.

  7. 1 hour ago, DukDukGoose said:

    I think the lack of first team players coming through (despite us being average at best for much of that time) us the greatest indicator.

    There's a reason someone goes from running the show to watching the boys on loan but that's just my opinion.

    Possibly but I think he does genuinely just want to watch his loon play.

    Sorry, I missed that part. Where is he going and what is he doing?

  8. Not particularly concerned with Barron going there, as while he's a tidy enough player, I highly doubt he'll ever be a top player even by Scottish league standards.

    What is concerning is that this is the 3rd time this has happened in recent memory with one of our youth players. At some point we will bring through the next Messi, and it doesn't look like the club have any clue on how to capitalise on it.

    They've done great work of late bringing in talent from all over and turning that into profit, but they seem to have a blind spot for our own youth players. I don't know the answer (reeducation classes as part of the youth curriculum perhaps or bans on certain agents?); but it's definitely something they need to work on.

  9. I think Roos has suffered somewhat from the quality we've had in goal for some time now. Everyone would be hailing him as superb had he followed on from Langfield.

    He's definitely got a mistake in him, but he's a pretty serviceable keeper, and certainly good enough for us. That said, if he wage demands aren't in line with his ability, we move on.

    How is the young lad Ritchie doing?

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