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Posts posted by Thereisalight..

  1. I should imagine any parent who believes their child was unlawfully killed is going to be a tad vocal in their protest against an ongoing cover up.

    You've had an absolute nightmare here.

    Have I? Its my opinion and I stand by it regardless of how unpopular it is

  2. It took 27 fcuking years doing it in a dignified manner, this is the fcuking British establishment they were fighting not some diddy place with a few centuries of being devious b*****ds.

    You call it dignified manner, I call it ramming it down our throats.

  3. Am I to assume you'd just rollover if it happened to your nearest and dearest. :huh:

    I'd want people to be held accountable but there is ways of going about it. Doing it with dignity springs to mind, not whoring yourself out to any old tosser with a microphone and camera

  4. and?

    there is prima facie evidence- and now a jury's verdict- that the police, ambulance, football authorities and stadium owners were responsible for what unfolded at Hillsborough in 1989.

    sadly, given the amount of time that's passed, there will unlikley ever be proof of Martin Fletcher's theory about Bradford although I hope he continues to pursue it doggedly. It certainly stinks.

    still, just so it doesn't annoy you by being on TV too often, maybe he should just sit down and shut up about it. Why should he try and find answers as to why three of his family members burned alive in an unsafe stand...it might annoy some thick knuckle-dragger in Ayr.

    Knuckle dragger, ok :lol:

    The Bradford justice campaigner doesn't annoy me as he isn't on the TV EVERY DAMN DAY like the Hillsborough lot.

  5. yes, why didn't they just sit down and shut up. good grief. what's wrong with you.

    On Bradford, I assume that this story completely passed you by last year on the 30th anniversary of that awful fire.

    I'm very well aware of that story, hence why I mentioned it as an example of a tragedy where there is "blame". Was there blanket coverage of it on every bleeding news broadcast or pages and pages of it in newspapers like Hillsborough has been? No is the answer
  6. I like Liverpool FC, but I'm sick hearing of Hillsborough. Hopefully today's decision will mean the families can go away knowing what they perceive as justice has been done, rather than give interviews to TV and Newspapers

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