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Tony Ferrino

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Everything posted by Tony Ferrino

  1. Add an E and you get a dive. "Freinds dive".
  2. Doubt they'd even bother. Grief fatigue.
  3. Think we're entering an unprecedented period of pre mourning. Black jackets with dark blue tie stuff.
  4. Did wonder given north Africa's contribution to science, education and learning. We get pissed off about the americans taking credit for the bits of stuff people did over here. Imagine their seethe.
  5. How do you know I'm not a GB news viewer? I always speak with common sense and decency.
  6. GB News viewers getting confused about the name Al Kali.
  7. The base, or the acid test of this is whether the Met are worth their salt or not.
  8. Fluttering your eyelids at a Poltergeist only encourages it.
  9. Like how they only refer to her as 'Watson'
  10. Have you ever asked an American to "turn a ket" before?
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