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Everything posted by DutchBorderer

  1. Such a beaut, isn't she? Had the lad at Football Nation rummage through the back to find me the last L sized top;
  2. Don't usually like to double-post, but finished my write-up on City's strip for this season for my football shirt site. Give it a read if you like (and if you run the club's Facebook page, do consider posting a link to it and my site's Facebook page *hint*hint*nudge*nudge*); https://club25football.wordpress.com/2017/04/19/matchworn-edinburgh-city-20162017-home-shirt/
  3. We're back in NL after a mighty fine Easter Weekend in Edinburgh and that beautiful four-seasons-in-one-day trip up to Arbroath. Have to laud everyone at the club for their hospitality and genuine kindness to two complete strangers who wiggled their way onto the bus. Hope everyone enjoyed the stroopwafels, and hope to see you all back at the new Meadowbank one day. No doubt that it'll be for League football as I have no doubts City are staying up. Missing my bff Mr. Blobby though (Credit for pic goes to the good people at Abroath FC)
  4. Managed to bully the club into this exchange, at the least, but it's hardly confirmation;
  5. Hiya lads, did anyone buy the commemorative Home or Away top with the Main Stand printing and all? Worth paying 40 quid for over the regular version that's been discounted to 25?
  6. How well-stocked is the club shop usually? Looking to get me the home and away kitty if there's a sale going on again, hope sizes M and L are still in stock.
  7. Hey lads, I'm in Edinburgh over the weekend and will be popping into Football Nation to buy this year's home kit. Anyone own it? How's the quality? Crest and Joma wordmark embroidered, Ladbrokes stickered? It's a bangin' design no doubt, but I just want to know what quality I'll be getting for my 40 quid.
  8. Supporters bus has been confirmed, looks like there's 18 people and a Blobby heading to Arbroath on Saturday. Gonna be a great day out, thank you to everyone who reserved their spot!
  9. Had my eye on Tutties already, if only because Neuk means as much as screwing in Dutch. Visiting makes for a good anecdote. Figure the harbour is well worth a trip down the road too?
  10. Heya lads, I'm actually coming over to Scotland for once instead of pretending to know what I'm talking about on a footy forum, and it seems like I'll be travelling with the Edinburgh City fans to Gayfield this Saturday. Understood from others that Arbroath is one of the best away days in League 2, so really looking forward to visiting town. Any highlights I should definitely visit (besides the match and club shop ofc)? Things I should try apart from Smokies? I understand the pies at the stalls next to the main stand are really good?
  11. Lesley Gair contacted me yesterday with the happy news; there's 9 reservations so far towards a bus with 19 seats. The club is kind enough to chip in a hundred pounds if the bus can't be filled, but all in all, one seat should only cost 15 quid. Reserve your spot if you haven't already by sending Lesley a mail at l.gair@hw.ac.uk and we should have a cracking away day just before Easter.
  12. I have the missus to contend with unfortunately. Obviously I'd rather go see the Dream Team (and I would've dragged her down to Shielfield if there was a home game that weekend), but a supporters bus running would from Edinburgh to a footy match is too convenient to pass up and fits in our schedule. Arbroath is a nicer away day than Annan, and the gf wants to go seabird spotting so I can just drop her in the harbour and raid the pie stand in peace. City's fans seem like a good bunch, but no one said anything about supporting either Edinburgh or Arbroath.
  13. Already did; signed me and my girlfriend up, Mr. Blobby reserved three tickets, and miss Gair said she would send out further enquiries today. Should be a crackin' day out so hope everyone here'll consider sending her a message to sign up too.
  14. Since the thread could use a bit of a positive note, I had the fortune of meeting one Clyde fan last week, as he graciously donated a matchworn top from the 2007/2008 season. Did a write-up on it on my wee football shirt blog, give it a read here if you'd like. Did people actually enjoy the design back then? Don't mind it myself at all, but it was so overused (Falkirk, Kilmarnock, Ayr I think, even Berwick had it in red as an away kit).
  15. I'm planning my Easter getaway from the 14th 'til the 18th this month, and my girlfriend fancies Edinburgh as a destination. Looking to visit a game, and since City is playing Arbroath at Gayfield that weekend, I was wondering if the club happens to organize a fans' bus going to and from away games? Wouldn't mind travelling with you all on Saturday two weeks from now, maybe get me a City kitty too.
  16. Just looking forward to today's match now, can't imagine the state of this forum if he nets a hattrick and Clyde win 2-3 or something of the sort.
  17. Board has got a big pair to sign him. Can't help but think the cllub would've been better off with a disgraced defender. Would Goodwillie have been convicted in the Dutch legal system? I very much doubt it, but that's hardly relevant considering we're talking about Scotland here. Still, speaking from my own cultural context, I see no real reason to keep the lad from playing pro football again; Clyde fans can be miffed that he will do so at Broadwood, but I really doubt this is going to deter sponsors or have a lasting negative impact on the club off the pitch. There's an outrage now, but most people will go back to not caring about football at this level after a week or two.
  18. Cheers for the FB shout out lad, much appreciated (being a start-up is hard work). The moment I get my grubby mits on a Hereford kitty it's gonna get featured, hoping the club drops the 40 quid price tag on the eBay shop some time soon. By the by, I only just realized Sherjill MacDonald played for the old club. Funny coincidence, he played for my home town team too. Not so funny coincidence, they went bust as well (in 2013)......
  19. I have no idea how pervasive these kinds of things are across the North Sea but I instantly lose respect for people that have crap like this in their homes. And trust me, there's a lot of people over here who think this is an acceptable form of interior decoration; Why why why why why would you stencil crap like this on your walls? The Love/Live/Laugh one is the worst of the bunch, I cringe every time I see it. Also this pish; Do people really need reminders of where they are in the form of big wooden letters? If I was a tree and got cut down to be pulped into this crap I'd be fuming.
  20. The MLS '17 section on historicalkits.co.uk is open, for people wanting to get a good overview of the new kits this semester; http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/MLS/MLS-2017.html Looking forward to a good year for the Union, and a slightly-less-shitty-than-last-season-year for the Fire (recently reviewed a kit of theirs I got when I was an early teen).
  21. David Verlaque has signed with us until the end of the season. He any good?
  22. I understand that everyone's heard quite enough about franchises and such when it comes to Livi, but I hope you all understand that it is not my intention to take a few pot shots at the club. In fact, I've admitted to liking it in the article, and I've posted in this thread before (long time ago, but still) so it's absolutely not like I want to smear Livi. However, when you're introducing a shirt of a smallish club to an international audience, you need to highlight what makes them unique, which in Livi's case is a somewhat chequered past. Note that I did not call the club a franchise, but rather used the examples of American teams and MK Dons to create context for readers that are not in the know. I fully understand that it's the same old that any fan will have heard a thousand times before, but nonetheless I don't want to pull any punches as the point is to give a bit of exposure to shirt, club, and their quirks, rather than be as positive as possible even when it's a club I have sympathy for. I definitely appreciate everyone taking the time to read it and the feedback given here, will take it on board in trying to improve in the future.
  23. Bit of unwarranted self-advertisement here (sorry about that, normally I contribute to P&B in a more constructive manner), but the club's Facebook account shared an article I wrote about the weird yellow-white strip Livi wore in 04/05. Thought it'd might be interesting for you guys to see too; https://club25football.wordpress.com/2017/02/09/livingston-f-c-home-shirt-20042005/ Facebook Post What was the consensus on Xara as a supplier back in the day? I quite like this top I got to celebrate a title with the team in Football Manager, hope to add a second to the collection soon.
  24. Any chance of you lads coming back up to League 2 this year, or is it a done deal with East Kilbride too far ahead? Haven't been keeping up so don't know how either team has been playing.
  25. Happy with this league position in my second L1 season after narrowly avoiding relegation in the first, on my annual Berwick/4-3-3 Dutch school only run.
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