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Adolfo Rios

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Everything posted by Adolfo Rios

  1. For anyone going to the Bon Jovi gig here are the setlists for the tour so far. http://www.setlist.fm/setlists/bon-jovi-33d6b851.html
  2. She sure did. Brought the house down too with the last dance which was Bohemian Rhapsody. Her guitar solo (with inflatable pink guitar) was like she had been possessed by Hendrix. At one point she jumped down on to her knees arched her back and had the guitar above her head playing away. She stopped just shy of setting the guitar on fire. She even got her own special cheer when she came out to choose the raffle tickets Pwoud. Vewy Pwoud.
  3. Forgot to give an update on the potty training from my post a few weeks back. After more tears and tantrums we finally cracked it. She woke up one morning (10 days or so ago) and we've only had one or two little accidents since. And they were only not getting her to the toilet/potty quick enough. I am complete bag of nerves today. Hannah has her first dance display tonight and I'm terrified she'll freeze. She's been doing brilliantly with her dancing and it's really brought her on with her social development and that's been the main thing I wanted her to gain from it. It turns out though she's one of the top dancers in her group (age range from 3-5) according to the teachers and is quite advanced for her age in ballet and tap. I just hope she goes out and enjoys it and has some fun.
  4. Sorry just realised I never answered this! We're currently 12+4 and have so far been given a provisional EDD of 10/11/11 (provisional as they only go by the the EDD given at the NHS 12 week scan). From what I can deduce it sounds like we're approximately due around the same time?
  5. Not the best start to potty training weekend in store but a postive finish. Five accidents, the first 3 she never really tried to tell us she needed and the 3rd being in the middle of B&Q. Good for us she was wearing a dress. Not for the employee who had to mop the floor Just when I thought It was all lost after only the first day, I started dozing off a little after 6 while the wife was out. Hannah jumped off the couch were we both where and I was aware she had moved the potty but couldn't open my eyes to see what she was doing. Then the smell hit hit me. She had done a massive shite bang in the potty without prompting. Something to build on at least. Now where did I put the Glade?
  6. I think we're going to have to chuck the training pants altogether. I worried about if it would confuse her when we started using them again. Going to work on it this long weekend and hopefully get back on track. There's been no major event in the family other than our recent announcement. At which point she had already reverted back to ways of old. I think it all comes back to the training pants when looking at the picture overall. Like Monkeyblair, I am also not known for having reserves of patience which probably hasn't helped either.
  7. At first we were using the training pants/pull ups. She was going well and was telling us when she needed to go. So we then took the next step and put her in "big girl pants" as things were moving along nicely enough at that time and the training pants were dry for the most part. The second we done this she reverted straight back. We took the step to move back to the training pants for a while at which point she then started doing everything in the training pants again and would not use the potty at all. This has pretty much been the cycle for the past 8 months. When she's at her dance class and her playgroup she'll ask to go if she hears other kids ask. When she's at home it's a bit of a battle. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. P.s we tried the let her run about in the house with no pants on but she ended up just pissing on me when sitting on my knee.
  8. A couple of friends have said the same thing about not telling them. From our experiences with them so far this time I wouldn't be surprised if they don't give us a "12 week" scan this time at all. First time round with Hannah they were brand new but proving a little more difficult this time. At 8 weeks my good half went for what she was told was her booking in appointment. Went along and the conversation went as follows Midwife "So you're pregnant?" Mrs A Rios "Em, yes" ****Awkward silence **** Midwife then asked one or two general health questions and that was it. Arranged the booking in appointment for the 9th May by which point we'll be at 14/15 weeks. When we asked why this wasn't the booking appointment she said something about notes or what not and that was it. She wasn't sleeping well and stressed to the high heavens just wanting to know that everything was fine so went to Babybond for the dating scan. On the potty training. Hannah is giving us all sorts of grief with it and she'll be 3 at the end of May. She knows how and what to do and more importantly when to do it but it's so sporadic it's not true. More often than not choosing to soil herself than use the potty or toilet. Frustrating to say the least.
  9. Had a scan on Saturday and everything is going smoothly so far. Having a bit of trouble with midwives so far and as a result our 12 week scan won't be until we're closer to 15 weeks plus so for peace of mind we went private for a dating scan. 2 arms 2 legs and a strong heartbeat Edited to add : The wife had the scan, not me obviously
  10. Kids are awesome. In my room this morning and I let out a cheeky morning fart, my (soon to be) 3 year old turns to me and gasps "Are you ok Daddy? Do you need me to call a plumber?" I fucking hope not!

  11. Heavy snow in Cumbernauld. At this rate today's match will be off and I won't be amused. Will also probably mean that the headboard for the bed that was delivered last week won't arrive again after two failed attempts midweek. f**k OFF SNOW!
  12. Despicable Me - 8/10 Very enjoyable and funny kids/family movie. I want minions.
  13. Hannah will be 3 in May. We had been trying but no luck for 4 or 5 months, then we made the decision to leave it a while so we could save up etc etc...... then BOOM, Adolfo comes good (pun intended).
  14. Just back from our first family holiday with our little one to Center Parcs and had a blast. Hannah ran herself into the ground every day and both me and the Mrs (Gypsygirl24 - part time poster on here) had a nice relaxing time with the exception of one or two tantrums......Hannah had the odd one too.... So we come back and I'm feeling like shit. Good ol' D&V all day and beginning to burn up. She asks me if there's any supplies she can get me from the shop (awfully nice i thought so I asked for an ice pack for my arse) She comes home and heads upstairs, comes down a couple of minutes later and flashes a positive pregnancy test in my face. Turns out it was more of a family holiday than we first thought. My reaction? To be sick....... Delighted though.
  15. We have no fucking idea why she won't come forward now. She said she was happy to do it before we were told about the information she has and now she isn't because we do know. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever and doesn't make a blind bit of difference if we knew or not. We told the police we had information from a witness, they said they would need to come forward themselves otherwise it's just a game of chinese whispers. (Their exact words) We know exactly the names of said group and there previous goings on with the police and have they been let off with more than just burglary. Myself, and both brother and father-in-laws have all thought about taking it into our own hands but we were hoping this may just have gave us the outcome we wanted without having to get our hands dirty/possibly stabbed.
  16. my father-in-law has fitted a security camera with monitor at the door but she's not going near the door out of fear and is pretty much a prisoner in her own home. We're hoping now that his is going to force the social's hand a bit more into evaluating her for a care home. They previously (3 months ago) said she was fine. This despite her twice being given a police escort home from Tesco as she was wondering round looking confused and the other time she was standing at a bus stop for nearly 2 hours. Both these times she left the house before my brother in law went to collect her to take her shopping. That's one thing we no longer have to worry about seeing as she's terrified to go near her door.
  17. A wee bit more than petty thing in my opinion but I shall vent my anger anyway. My Mrs' gran was burgled on Thursday(They chapped the door and once she answered they knocked her to the ground and went for as much cash as they could find). She's 87 with vascular dementia. Turns out it is not the first time she has been done. We thought we had struck lucky in catching the c**t-rags that had done it as my mum's neighbour's friend had over heard a group talking to someone about how the "done an old lady in (name of street)" My mum's neighbour found out about my wife's gran, spoke to her friend again and confirmed the street name etc and it was a match. My mum's neighbour phoned my wife immediately to tell her. This witness was more than willing to make an annoymous call to the police to say what she had heard. The witness has now been told by my mum's neighbour that we know about what she has heard and is no longer willing to come forward even in an annonymous capacity. While my wife's gran is getting poorly with the vascular dementia she still has enough wits about her to realise what has happened and is living in complete fear. She has been targetted before as she had previously told her son that "there were men in the house" which he just put up to her not remembering people's names/neighbours etc. She is still with it enough to tell the police it was the same guys that done it this time as the previous. I know that if this call was made that it doesn't mean that we would definately catch those responsible. But without the call, there's next to no chance of ever catching them.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-12126454 Now confirmed she's leaving.
  19. Just started in Glasgow city centre. And it's stopped almost instantly. Carry on...
  20. That's the best that road has looked since Sunday. I know 3 people that spent 12 hours stuck at this roundabout. One of my work mates left Glasgow city centre on a bus at half 1 yesterday. Got back to his house at just after 6 this morning. That was walking from Crowwood to Seafar in Cumbernauld.
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