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Raith Against The Machine

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Posts posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. 19 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Perhaps. But as I say, where's the basic courtesy from players when they're signing pre-contracts? 

    Employers have a much greater responsibility to their employees than the other way around. One is a corporate entity with dozens of other employees and the other is a human being with (likely) a single source of income and bills to be paid. 

    This whole Caley situation clearly doesn't reflect well on many people, but Duncan Ferguson deserves his fair share of criticism for this particular aspect of it. Even if the boardroom is a shambles, you'd think the manager would at least pick up the phone to tell players "Look man, I don't know what's going to happen, but assuming things stay more or less as they are, you [are/are not] in my plans for next season."

    The Doran situation in particular is appalling. Obviously there are a lot of moving parts at the moment, but there's a real lack of basic human decency from some quarters. 

  2. 1 minute ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Discussing this topic earlier today funnily enough. I'm maybe in a minority but I don't see any issue with that. If you have a contract and your contract expires then surely you have to have the common sense to realise the club aren't interested in you? If players are allowed to sign elsewhere before their contract ends then why do they expect to be hand held if the shoe's on the other foot? 

    Basic courtesy? 

  3. 10 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I think Byrne is one who suits playing in one of the best teams in a division, so he suits the Championship more.

    In the top flight hes more exposed to having to do defensive work and you see how immobile/slow he is, and how hes poor on the ball under pressure with no passing options.

    Thats not me saying hes shite FWIW, there just players like that who can't play well in poor teams.

    You're maybe using language that's slightly more critical than I'd choose, bur I agree with your overall point. 

    I also think it's a phenomenon that more players and agents should pay attention to. Particularly your flashy wingers of this world. Drop a level, get into the top half of the division below, and you'll have a much better time of it. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Raithie said:

    Livi, imo, will absolutely be challenging at the top. Too many folk letting club name and size clout their view. They've made somewhere in the region of 8 new signings and for once Martindale can't really spin the 'we're skint' narrative for this upcoming season. 

    Too early to call on Livi, I think. If the business they've done so far is the "top end" of what they do then I can't see them challenging, but if (as I suspect) it's more like the bottom end and their headline signings are still to come, they'll be tough to beat. They'll also likely be the ones with the most funds available in January, which is always a factor. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

    Accies announcing the appointment of young Ben Paterson from The Only Accies Podcast  as the new Head of Social Media is a no brainer.

    Best man for the job and hopefully we will see a big and necessary improvement in this area where we are mediocre to put it mildly.

    Does he get the keys to both Twitter accounts, or only one of them?

  6. 24 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    I’m not sure Gardiner resigning is going to make a huge difference to the immediate situation tbh.

    Yeah, I know Twitter isn't a great barometer, but the reaction to this news and particularly yesterday's "Btw, we're not going to Kelty" statement seems to be missing the bigger picture that the club as a whole is on the brink. 

    It might be good news that you don't have to move and that the landlord is changing, but if the building is still on fire, worry about the fire. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, PB1994 said:

    I would imagine about 90% of the debt we owe would be to our Directors. The only way I can see an investor coming in before Administration is if the Directors we owe money to are willing to write it off or take 10p in the pound or something along those lines.

    Absolutely scunnered with this whole situation now.


    34 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    I think its probably closer to 100%.

    That, surely, is the angle for the next couple of days then? 

    Are the existing directors willing to be bought out by some new mystery entity, for some agreed pence in the pound figure? The alternative being that they see the club go into administration, with the points deductions and everything that goes with it, to end up with a reduced figure anyway? 

    I suppose this is where it comes down to questions of what the club owns and what it's worth. Does the club own the ground the land is on? Does it have some sort of astronomical book value because of the freeport? Would the extinction of the football operation actually free up enough assets for administrators to pay off debts more or less in full? 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

    So approaching an insolvency practitioner for advice but not going into administration?

    It's a "come and get me plea" but for investment. The insolvency advice is only going to be one thing. This is the football club saying that there are only a couple of days before the insolvency practitioners have officially assessed the situation and administration will be confirmed. If anyone wants to avoid that, they need to be providing funds now. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    It’s always worked well for me, so looking forward to it.

    Only thing is I assume there’s a contingency plan for fans without smart phones.

    The Rovers have been using Fanbase for the last season or two and there's been the option to have a physical card posted out, for a small surcharge. 

    Fanbase can be a little finicky sometimes if you're trying to load your tickets in a busy place (ie, at a busy football ground!) but that does seem to have improved since the beginning of the season. It's better than most of the other e-ticketing type solutions I've seen. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, renton said:

    So, still after a RB, a starting CB, a CM if Byrne goes and some proper pace up top. Whether that's a winger and a striker or just some proper speed merchant that can do both adequately.

    Do we need a starting CB with Murray and Fordyce on the books? 

    We definitely need another, but I wouldn't at all surprised to see them coming in as the "third", behind those two but ahead of Corr. 

  11. For the signing section to truly succeed, the club are going to have to bite the bullet and redevelop the Southern end of the Railway Stand. 

    I can completely understand why that isn't at the very top of the priority list, but it's the only way forward, for all the reasons listed above and more. You need an area that's not already occupied, that isn't getting in the way of other, less raucous supporters, and is configured for a more fluid, active group. 

    The other thing that I think we're missing, and it's arguably a more difficult gap to bridge, is 'leadership' within the nascent singing section/Ultras group. With other clubs, you've got recognisable individuals who carry a bit of profile. It doesn't prevent disorder, by any means, but it helps create an open dialogue and lends itself more readily to 'self-policing' in the true sense (as opposed to the way most people actually think of it, which is an unrelated other Rovers supporter giving someone else a bollocking/slap in the jaw). 

  12. 1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Listening to the Wyness Shuffle while I was doing some mundane work earlier on, don’t usually listen to other clubs podcasts but was interested to see what the thoughts of the fans were.

    Was expecting to just find it an interesting listen but actually really found myself feeling sorry for the fans after it and being a bit emotionally invested in it. 

    Really do feel for you guys, it’s going to be some shitshow to look on to from the outside. 

    I did the same, and I'd recommend it to other non-Caley fans. 

    It's a real "there but for the grace of God" situation. There's real emotion involved and the feeling I get is that it mostly stems from the helplessness of the situation. 

    To a greater or lesser extent, we're all beholden to the whims of whoever currently holds the keys to our football clubs. 

    I'm glad to see there seems to be some mobilisation in the support, and that there's a willingness to say "this cannot stand". 

    Some of these people in charge of football clubs need to realise there's more to life than winning. Maybe that's not a popular statement, I don't know, but it should be a reality at this level. 

    Your provincial football club should be, first and foremost, a net positive member of its local community. That should be the mission and the intent of all 42 senior football clubs. It's an impossibility for all 42 to win all the time, by the very definition of sport there will be winners and losers in a perpetual cycle. The fundamentals - community involvement, local pride, sustainability - need to be taken care of as non-negotiables first, and then trying to put out the best football team comes second, otherwise we'd all be as well just watching Manchester City. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

    I've no proof but I'd imagine it would probably be more like "we definitely want to sign you....here's 2 contracts, one if we get promoted one for the championship"

    Aye, exactly. It'll be "Here's the basic wage we'll offer you. If we're in the Premiership, your bonuses will be [£x] per appearance/per win/for staying up. If we're in the Championship, your bonuses will be [£y] per appearance/per win/for a playoff finish/for a title win." 

    For someone like a Lewis Stevenson, who you'd be happy with in either division, you're giving him the information he needs to start thinking about the decision he needs to make. 

    For existing players, I imagine you're trading on goodwill to a certain extent, and that they're not going to go off and sign with someone else until they've at least heard your offer after the final game.

    And obviously if there was someone who you wanted, but only for the Championship, you'd have to just hold off and hope nobody got in with a concrete offer before the end of the playoffs. 

  14. Fully losing my mind at how bad an article this is. 

    It features a bizarre premise that the game somehow evoked an era where all games kicked off at 3pm, despite it being an evening kick off, and harks back to (presumably?) the 50s despite the very significant involvement and referencing of VAR, Sky Sports, laddies chucking flares on the park, and Lady Gaga. 

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