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Everything posted by Bigbrbairn

  1. Not a clue about silly computer games happily!
  2. Life isn't like a game of FIFA Championship Manager. How many times have you seen a team playing poorly, change manager then without signing anyone playing totally different? Hartleys job is to get the best out of the team and so far he has not found the right recipe ( hopefully he can). Some of his selections have been poor and now he will know that. Time will tell if we can get all playing to their strengths
  3. Agree with this. The problem is that Hartley has not managed to get all of the new players playing for each other. Whether he is capable time will tell. Hopkins at Livi produced a team that was greater than the sum of its parts. That's what we need to create and quick. Think our second half against ICT was a better showing and against Partick they will feel very relieved to have taken 3 points.
  4. Trying to entice great players to a team that finished 8th in the Scottish Championship last year is a big ask. Okay we love our club and think that young players should be queuing up to play for a team with a loyal regular fan base but if the player knows Scotland as only a place full of people with kilts then the 20th Best team is not much of a career choice
  5. Yes we were totally hammered by one goal in both games. Give it a break
  6. The consensus in June was that it would take the first 1/4 for the team to play to their best . Is 2/36 the same as 1/4? Let’s face it in both league games a lot of our players who are still gelling we’re facing players they have not faced before. Could that perhaps be a wee reason for poor first half and betterish second? Have faith fellow Bairns have faith( if not I will be outside the stand demanding heads to roll after10/36’s
  7. A slight positive may be that in both league games we performed better second half. That’s the know your opponents positive! Or perhaps not
  8. Just thought and wish I had the technical ability to find quotes to prove this Mid Summer We are bringing in a full new team of young players who will need time to get used to each other and know how the opposition play. Patience Two Games into the season All the players are shite send some back and as for Hartley jacket and shoogily peg appear to be the current view
  9. The sad thing is that a diddy cup game could have given us injury problems. Then again it may force us to alter our style which could have positive results. Keeping positive for first quarter
  10. Good god! We play well first half score two then get some injuries and defend and this clown is still at it. Some people revel in defeats
  11. So now we have two full backs and two Centre half’s . That might catch on
  12. Dallison McGhee and Lewis all off injured! Just niggles for McGhee and Lewis hopefully. Dallison could do with some time to get used to this league and perhaps a while on the bench would help. Harrison is a stand out
  13. Think Lewis is making a point. Play me up front and I score play me on the wing and I am crap
  14. Think Hartley is certain the 4 Centre half’s is workable obviously. We know it isn’t so he is saying ‘ it’s ma team feck off”
  15. Hartleys quote that players were not doing their jobs. Does it not make him think that perhaps he is asking them to do jobs they are not equipped for? Aero and McGhee whilst passable as CH's don't have the speed or skill needed at FB as they do not have the skill to create chances for midfield and without that we don't use midfield properly. Think about it Paul
  16. I fear that Hartleys ability to pick and motivate a team is poor. Rumours of players falling out with the Don already. Robson although not a superstar is very competent at what he does. He is not injured as he is on the bench so why does he prefer a centre half over him ? Must be attitude and Hartley can only drop him not motivate him. Rumours of poor leadership skills are beginning to look correct sadly
  17. This anti Turner stuff is based on what? Don’t think he has been on the park very much
  18. Heard from 2 auld boys on the bus that Sammut has been told to shape up or ship out. Must be true as auld guts are always ITK
  19. We were beaten on Saturday but not by much. If the goal we scored was rightly given it would have been different. This was against a team that finished very strongly last season and have a settled side. Positives were there on Saturday. Thought Harrison was better than I expected TOE and Irvine played well Haber showed a lot of good signs but needs a player to get his knockdowns Greenwood looked lively when he came on and is not up to speed yet All in all good signs but bad result. Prior to the season starting people were saying we need the players to gel. Now 1 ( yes 90mins) game in it’s a case of sack Hartley and bring back the Academy. Before the academy was ditched I constantly asked the fanatics who watch their games who was ready to step up. My answer from these people was always “ nobody is ready”. Not much loss there then. Patience lads patience
  20. Milk and Two. Think they were behind the brilliant close season social media? If so batter on folks as it was brilliant
  21. Newbornbairn deserves much applause for brightening a football free summer . Well done that man[emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]
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