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Everything posted by moanthebairns

  1. Lost the opening game in Rome, and all three group stages at Hampden. To say I'm gutted is an understatement. I seem to still have the last 16 but I expect that will be going. Is it the case that they have just taken the vast majority of paid tickets and handed them to the SSC fucking over those who have bought them years ago.
  2. I was taking the piss. Don't worry, obviously this wouldn't be an issue for Clyde.
  3. I assume all the clubs that voted to end the season early are going to refund season ticket holders of the matches they will miss.
  4. I don't know what your point is, nor will I listen to it until you have fucking pies ready for a 3 pm kick-off.
  5. What was particularly strange last night was the celebrating and I mean proper celebrating of some fans as we put out Celtic Under 20's on penalties. I mean I went, it being a fiver had a lot to do with it. But deep down I was a bit pissed we went through and continued in this frankly pish tournament. Grown men shout get it up you and such at a bunch of under 20's.......Bizarre, specially as they were the better team. I was really impressed with the lad Okoflex.
  6. Would it be wrong to assume they don't want to sell the club on until we are in the championship again, for obvious reasons and this is merely a stalling tactic.
  7. My apologies, Wealdstone eh, can you even be called a professional footballer if you sign for a club that you can't go in champman.
  8. The fact as a 'professional' footballer he's considering going on national telly at the start of a season instead of finding a club says it all tbh. He's done.
  9. I remember reading that statement and being utterly fizzing at the time, accusing a supporter of a crime before the police investigation. I remember being livid still when I learned the chap was found innocent and the club had falsely accused him to the national media. To be arrested at the weekend, flung in the cells, questioned by police, branded a racist and having been falsely accused all on the back of a fucking inept statement from the board who saw this as an opportunity to filter out the hatred towards them, makes me remember how much I want them fucking out and now. Still no public apology. Considering we had a lawyer on the board it's fucking mind blowing that the glaikit bitch wouldn't realise the ramifications of falsely accusing someone before he is found guilty of a crime, or even before the police have started to investigate. I sincerely hope the guy accused of this is sat there trying to sue the c***s for simply calling a shite footballer, shite.
  10. I blindly renewed my season ticket a few days ago, I had the money set aside and tbh I just did it out of blind loyalty. I have followed this club home and away for decades, its been a prominent feature of my life but I feel utterly impassive towards my club now and I'm regretting renewing my season ticket before the season has already started. The statement yesterday utterly bewildered me. I could barely stomach it due to its bitterness. Now hearing the latest news from an apathetic board makes me just want to not bother anymore. I hardly get excited about the league cup but when I saw the fixtures and noted the date, my initial thought was, f**k its not long before I have to go watch this shite again I wish it wasn't so soon. I can swallow this club is a business and board members are looking out for their own interests in regards to the sale of the club, but to loose two bids by extending the deadline on several occasions so much so it pisses off two of the strongest bidders that much they withdraw before two notes of interest submit theirs is utterly fucking bewildering. Counting chickens before they have hatched seems to spring to mind. I cannot now see this club being sold anytime soon.
  11. They moved outside the stadium shouted a bit. Someone's car got booted, someones range rover got their tyres slashed. For some fucking strange reason a lot of supporters clapped and wanted photos, even signatures on their top from some of the shitest falkirk players I've had the miss fortune of ever seeing. I don't condone the vandalism. But it was the most exciting thing I've seen at the stadium this season.
  12. I feel sorry for the fans of teams you do dislike if this is how you react to teams you don't care about. Your sounding like an old firm fan. Coming onto the falkirk page continually to tell them you do care about us. Your pure raging. The biggest thing that fucks me off about morton is the polystyrene cups you get your tea in there.
  13. REALLY......FUCKING REALLY. Naturally I've been at all the games involving the two teams and nothing more than the odd shout on the terraces has been of note. The pitch invasion was just pished lads on their first Friday night game away on the tele. You sound like someone whos just found out their Mrs has been shagging around and chucked you, but in a desperate effort to save face make it seem like you did the dumping reciting any fleeting encounters you've had of your own. MORTON are nothing to us, we don't care, we likely never will. In fact i'd go as far to say as I don't mind morton as its a good day out. f**k I thought Stenny and shire fans were bad for drumming up a rivalry between us.
  14. Who exactly has been lording it over Morton fans. We don't care about Morton, I mean its an ok fixture because you can get the train to Glasgow before and after for a piss up and its nice to stand on the terraces but other than that Morton mean nothing to us. You had a manager for six games or so that tbh a lot of Falkirk fans, myself included weren't really that excited about signing, presumably on better terms and more money than Morton offered. Let it go, I get the irony and banter but this faux rivalry is a bit far.
  15. He certainly has been an asset for the club, I met with him and was very impressed. However, I'm still awaiting the fucking apology statement for the false accusations, the case isn't still on going that's pish, the suspect has been been issued a warning on the lesser charge because they couldn't find f**k all to make it stick. If it was on going he'd be charged or it sent to the PF.
  16. I am somewhat tolerant to the fiasco on the park, I can give them the benefit of the doubt that Hartley stuffed them up like kippers. What is inexcusable is spouting accusations at fans for a criminal act that never happened and threatening legal action against a few young supporters who dared use the badge on essentially ‘stag’ t-shirts when they never owned the fucking copyright. i'll ask again WHERE IS THE FUCKING STATEMENT.
  17. The facts. The club issue a public statement calling out an act of racism on the terraces from hearsay. This turns into a feeding frenzy for the media. They identify this man to the police. He gets arrested, questioned and it is found he is innocent of what he is being accused of. That's it. The law has found that this man made no racist comment. What fucking part of this do you struggle with, how would you like to be falsely accused of something. We live in a country where everyone is assumed innocent until found guilty and personally I'd fight tooth and nail to keep it that way even if it meant defending someone that was guilty of a crime right up until the judgement of the courts and jury was reached. You have also twisted and miss quoted nearly all of what you have quoted from above. And know what he's still fucking awful.
  18. So when can we expect an apology to be issued by the club? They have essentially fabricated a story and ran with it, they have nationally accused an innocent man, who I believe from reading on here would have had a lovely Friday evening in Falkirk's holding cells at her majesty’s pleasure, possibly nicked at work (that must have been a fucking hoot this time of year). This isn’t fucking acceptable. The man has been found innocent of racism, this is exactly the witch hunt I referred to a few pages back orchestrated by the club. A relative of the player takes umbrage to someone calling their son ‘shite’ or something along these lines (which he fucking is) and fuels a race war. You’d think with a lawyer on the board they would know the importance of ‘alleged’. On the 9th minute I personally sat on my arse in the south stand and never bothered with the demonstration because I know my club well enough from going week in week out that racism has never been an issue. Sure there has been the odd remark but this has always been shouted down and the pished individual put in his place. Credit to the chap who organised it, he did so with good intentions and it was good to see. But the lack of any acknowledgment from the club about it (it’s a PR dream for the football club, a fan organised display against racism) is frankly absurd and perplexing. The board has shammed the name of the supporters here, they have brought our reputation into disrepute, not for the first time recently. I can’t help but feel this was used as a smokescreen to hide one of the most humiliating defeats in the clubs recent history. They have ripped the arse out of the club in a staggeringly short time and with the general level of apathy amongst the fans on the terraces at the moment we could be in real trouble when it comes to season ticket renewal next year. On a personal note, I hope the individual is contemplating taking the club to the fucking cleaners after these false accusations.
  19. Essentially its Police Scotland's tactic for better results. They want to be seen to settling everything they can, they issue a warning which holds no grounds anywhere, in the letter they threaten that if you challenge it you "could face criminal prosecution" and to do so is at your cost. It stays on their records for two years but again this means nothing. They know its not worth the paper its written on, they know there isn't enough to prosecute you with, but they sorta win the 'fight' as no one bothers their arse or wallets to get a bit of paper no one will ever see changed.
  20. Cool let's adopt this for everything. So mortons claims of stealing their manager illegally let's settle as that would be victim blaming.
  21. As opposed to the club who say it DID happened, issued a statement, alerted the press. Oh.....while we are doing this has anyone actually witnessed this as we seem to have f**k all to go on. Burn the witch.
  22. I've heard RUMOURS at this stage from three individuals connected/working for the club that Falkirk Fc are looking into the alleged possibility that Hartley was taking bungs.
  23. First and foremost if Lewis has been racially abused then its not acceptable. There is rumours circulating that it was himself that spoke out via twitter. Not a problem with this. Its been identified to have came from the main stand, great easy to narrow down. Surely the board are sat in that stand on Saturday, if they heard this, surely they would have reported it there and then to the police or stewards present. Not one person in that stand seems to have heard this verbal abuse, so how did the player? I'm by no means saying it didn't happen but the fact its a 7 row deep stand makes this rather surprising. The less said about the statement the better. It seems a knee jerk reaction to an alleged incident so far. They weren't so vocal when the club was accused of tapping the manager. Bottom of the league facing relegation. Pumped out of the first round of the cup by our local rivals who are struggling in a division below. Allegations of tapping another teams manger. And rumours circulating that Falkirk Fc are looking into Paul Hartley allegedly accepting bungs for some players he's brought in. Its pretty fucking bad just now.
  24. What a fucking PR cluster f**k. Threatening a bunch of lads off the shuttle with legal action to a crest you no longer own the rights to. I expect a full public apology on this, I really hope the lads have swiped the rights to the badge. How to piss your own fans off.
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