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Posts posted by 101

  1. On 11/23/2017 at 09:37, All-Star-Par said:

    Still doesnt sit right that as a fan owned club they just went ahead and made this decision without consulting the support. If they had informed us and it went tits up from the beginning people may have been a little more patient with the issues but if I recall correctly instead we were informed a few days before the first home game to arrive early and that was the first most people had heard about it.

    It's getting very fucking tiresome and makes us look amateur that it's still not functioning properly this far into the season. 

    I think you'll find it will be the owners of East End Park who have paid for the installation of the ticket readers, to add for info I've not had any problems getting through the gate at all and think its far faster than before.

  2. Really important few games coming up and emerging with maximum points would really help us stretch away from the mediocre pack unfortunately I wont be able to make the QoS match as I've decided to take park in Sleep in the Park so instead of freezing while sat at EEP ill be spending the night under the stars, snow,rain while tying to raise some money for the amazing charity Social Bite if anyone can afford to at this expensive time chuck a couple of quid in to help out the least fortunate in society then I would be extremly greatful - http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/adamshepherd

  3. *Shameless plug*

    I'm going to be spending a night out in the park in Edinburgh in order to raise awareness and some money for social bite which is a fantastic charity which helps people in the most difficult of circumstance which most of us hopefully will never experience. Anyway as its going to be the coldest night of my life it would be great to raise some cash while doing it, so if anyone can spare the price of a pint or a coffee I would be extremely grateful - http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/adamshepherd 

  4. I think if they killed both Rick and Neagan off then the show might flourish again, bring in some totally new blood maybe from Canada or Mexico or as a bizarre twist the International Space Center could have a cure as they would be able to continue research while the earth fell. Anyway, it needs a major shakeup and even something like bullets running out of fuel running low I mean some of those cars have been running on the same tank of fuel for 4 years as there is no oil refinery open or found yet.

  5. 34 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

    the singing is out of order and we shouldn't be doing that, there's plenty of other songs to sing to get an atmosphere going. it is just a tiny bit hypocritical of the league, sfa and the media to pick up on it though considering they all spent 100 plus years ignoring what rangers and celtic were sing about every week!! in fact the media not only turned a blind eye but were positively gushing in their praise of the special old firm atmosphere/greatest game in the world etc...

    Absolutely correct, no matter what our fans do (both sets) I expect the SFA and Police Scotland to give out really harsh punishments to make it look like to the people who hold the power that they are counteracting crime within football stadia in Scotland. 

    However this is not an excuse to ignore racist and homophobic chants a small section on fans at EEP are singing or the verbal attack on people with disabilities, I would hope that the SFA and the police look at the incidents at our provincial clubs in a wider scale of Scottish football and of course take action against our clubs when we are in breach of the rules but also at clubs that they continually ignore hundreds if not thousands of people singing about being up to their knees in someone's blood based on their religion. I doubt this will ever happen though, and the Daily Record suddenly being offended by people singing about a disability (which IS abhorrent) while they are complicit in the sectarian and god knows what else singing at Ibrox and Celtic Park is a sick joke.

  6. What, you don't think that's a possibility? Quelle surprise!
    It would be interesting to see the stats regards clubs reporting issues to the league. You may be aware that Dunfermline have done it more than once and not always about the same club.

    I thought everyone was in agreement that not reporting a hate crime is condoning it, what did the guy expect to happen. Also not sure I buy the bit about his age most children know not to make comments about disabilities.

    Also to put the ban into context if you were a fan and shouted a similar thing at anyone with a disability then you’d be in court and issued with a football banning order of at least 6 months and a fine. Hope the young guy learns from his mistakes and that Falkirk put him on a Equality and Diversity training course.
  7. 13 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

    Thankfully for the LGBTI community, you'd never catch Dunfermline's fans coming away with any homophobic chanting.

    I have never pretended that Dunfermline is some sort of super fan group, however in instances of chants being sung by a section of our support they have been condemned and banned, I wish there were more examples of this sort of conduct being called out especially in larger supports.

    However, this should be tackled together football fans alike driving out unacceptable conduct amongst our own fans.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ka202 said:

    Things that are ok when you're a Dunfermline fan, spitting on a female ambulance worker, racial abuse.


    Things that are not ok, calling someone a name.

    I don't think you get it? 

    If you simplify, like you have done, racist abuse is calling someone a name, your own argument is a hypocrisy. We can not move Scotland out the dark ages if we don't class attacks on the disabled and LGBTI community as the same as attacks on people of different backgrounds.

  9. That clip is brilliant, how anyone who thinks the only game worth watching and advertising is the 'old firm' game can ever open their mouth and pass comment on Scottish football is beyond me. A BBC producer should of marched into the studio once Alex Rae started speaking and kicked him out, what is he thinking.

  10. Since Pedro has been chopped its been utterly incredible how many Rangers guys they can squeeze into a weeks worth of shows, not that there's a lack of them at the best of times. However I was thinking because this is the BBC and its run off our money, how can they just bring these guys in is there not some sort of open application process for pundits to work for the BBC or is our state broadcaster a crooked old boys club as it seems. Although it is brilliant when Richard Gordon, Tom English or Micheal Stewart cut some rangers guy down to size.

  11. 4 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

    It's all about opinions I guess but I thought he was awful in that game. He also got a silly red card.

    I agree when you compare Martin and Williamson (and dare I say Millen) were playing every week at that age and were more mature players I dont think he'll make the grade although I liked the look of Spark and he was chucked last season

  12. I really enjoyed the first episode although agree its annoying that we know the main characters will be safe killing Carl would of been a ballsy move but would of made me sit up and take notice

  13. looking forward to the new season, does anyone know if Amazon are doing their season pass again that's how I watched the last season but can only see it on the US site.

  14. Just now, scoobles said:

    Yogi saying people don't understand that the "old firm" sell papers.
    Nobody pointed out that most papers are given away for free now.
    Kudos for Michael Stewart later on saying Celtic aren't invincible

    I think people do and that why people don't buy papers as you say. But we do pay for the BBC so it would be good if it were representative.

  15. I thought John Hughes lost all credibility in football when he threw an entire team under a bus and thus relegated them and he also couldn't figure out how to get an emergency loan. Yet I was sure that he was on off the ball today implying to have some sort of insight that might be interesting.

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