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Middleton Mouse

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Posts posted by Middleton Mouse

  1. Spiders and stuff?

    There was a really fat spider living outside our bedroom window. I had to knock it off though as the size of it's webs would have put Spiderman to shame.

    Yeah spiders, flies and such. Bigger frogs aren't as fussy and will basically eat anything that they can fit in their mouths (providing they spot it moving first). When they eat you'll see them blink as the eyeballs move into the mouth to assist swallowing. :geek

  2. :lol::lol:

    When my Dad buys the hoppers for the lizard he puts them in a plastic tank from a woven bag, but one time a few escaped, we caught what we thought was it and fed the lizard. Couple of days later my dads girlfriend goes to use the coffee machine and there was a hopper inside a jug in the machine! Still alive wandering about. :lol:

    At least hoppers don't make noise, I can't wait til I move out and get my roach breeding prgrams underway. Roaches are far superior to crickets! :D

  3. Not saying that your friend is one of these people, but I reckon there are a fairly large number of women who are more than happy for their husbands / boyfriends to play away as long as the money keeps coming in.

    I expect you're right and I expect it goes two ways in some instances as well. :( She's told me herself she'd have to be daft to give up her nice house/car etc and the fact that his job allows her to only work a couple of days a week. Not sure all that'd be worth it myself but then I've never been in her situation so can't judge.

  4. That doesn't sound a very happy house to be in. Does your friend like the money and the lifestyle that much? I would be telling her to do her own thing, she may not have as fancy a car or house or as nice clothes but they are all pretty hollow when you are living a life like that.

    My phrase "unhappy medium" did refer to my belief that the whole living with someone arrangement was probably the way to go if you absolutely had to.

    I think really she still loves him unfortunately for her. As Debbie says women are nutters and we fall for and chase after the worse people! :lol:

    I don't really know if I'd like to live with someone, like yourself I enjoyed living on my own. Don't think I'd get married though (even if there was anyone daft enough to ask me :lol: ).

  5. That would be the unhappy medium I guess

    I wouldn't say that! My old boss was living with her man quite happily with their toddler without being married to him and if anything happens then they won't have as much bother if they need to split.

    I have a friend that's totally stuck in a relationship with a man that's blatantly lied to her about meeting up with another woman on more than one occassion. She's in denial but everyone and their dog can see what's going on but because she's become so dependant on him she's not willing to consider leaving him. She knows damn fine he's likely playing away but considers it to be a fair price to pay for the lifestyle he provides her with (he brings in lots o dosh).

    I know it's not typical (hopefully) but it is a horribly depressing situation. :(

  6. Drivers on the A9!

    What a pain in the ass driving back down from Wick. People whizzing up behind me when I'm driving at the speed limit and unable to wait for the duel carrideways to appear. Yes I drive a Nissan Micra but it does go up to 70 ffs!

    Why does this one road attract so many half-wits? :angry:

    My rabbit

    Went out the back when I finally got home and was greeted by my wee boy bunny running the full length of the garden and sitting at my feet. Thinking "ah at least someone missed me" I picked him up only for the little shit to kick me in the teeth.

    I'll feed him to something later on.

  7. My mate tried that. Got blind drunk before a huge presentation. Turned up pissed for breakfast and was a little bit abusive to his bosses... Was told to go back to his room and sober up. He raided the contents of the mini bar and turned up further pished for the presentation. Was escorted onto the plane by his boss and was sacked next day.

    It's probably not worth it. <_<

    It'd be a laugh though! :D

  8. Animal care forums, seriously they are awful!

    I've just been banned from a rabbit care forum because there was a huge thread running about a man who breeds rabbits, kills them and feeds them to his snake. No one mentioned any issue about the way the rabbits were being kept so I replied saying "what's wrong with that then?" and was promptly banned. <_<:lol:

  9. I went back to complete the Arrochar munro double by doing Ben Ime today. Weather was really cloudy to start with but at least it was dry, I was totally on my own so decided that if I came to a place where I lost the path I'd just head back.

    The cloud cleared briefly but blew back in and so most of the way up was spent unable to see 30 foot in front of me. I had decided that to be on the safe side I'd start heading back around 1pm if I hadn't come across the summit. Thankfully at about 12.30pm the mist cleared and I was there.

    Started from the car park at the head of Loch Long and will need to download my photos. It was a bit odd as the summit was above the cloud and so I saw the tops of various hills which were above the cloud.

    Got a bit lost on the way back down though and failed to follow the path. Managed to find it again thanks to getting good views of Ime from Narnain on Sunday and knowing which direction to head in.

  10. I was in that area myself with my Uni walking club. A few folk went up Beinns Ime and Narnain. I did Ben Vane. Absolutely beautiful day; don't think i have ever had such a clear day. I'll try and put a few of my photos up when I've had a look through them.

    My friend reckoned we passed the Glasgow walking club that she used to go out with and we passed loads of people that day. I don't suppose any of your uni friends had a big black dog? We had a wee motley collection of people with odd accents tail us on the last part of the walk but they had this massive black dog with them.

    We had a wonderful clear day when we went up Ben Vane too but I'm afraid to say I didn't enjoy that walk too much due to the baking heat we also had that day.

  11. Across to the Crianlarich Hills


    Ben Nevis


    Callander and the Trossachs (is this Ben Venue and Ben Ledi?).


    Ben Vane and Ben Vorlich


    and of course Ben Ime looked amazing from this side too


    Weren't sure what these hills were but made a guess at Ben Bhuidhe


    At the summit we sat and had a picnic as it was oddly comfortable but there was so much snow lying around we had to have a snowball fight too.

    On the way back I suggested we take the other path as lots of people seemed to be doing it this way. We walked down and came to a steep rocky gully which my friend wasn't happy with at all and so yet again I had to go first despite being much less experienced. We followed this path down and saw it cut across another far shorter hill Cruach nam Miseag. I said we should follow the main path which went this way but my friend suggested we take another faint path that ran down between the two and rejoined the main path. I had a bad feeling about it but as she looked close to having hysterics decided to go along with it.

    The way back I suggested we take with Loch Long, Lomond and Ben Lomond in the background


    There were some steep bits on my suggested way back


    The path we ended up taking


    This turned out to be a serious mistake. The path started as loose rock and soon turned into bog. It would have been fine if you were a) Very confident or B) Very light-footed preferably both. I am neither of those things and found it very difficult to pick my way down, that and the path was so faint that I kept losing it. It took us about an hour to navigate our way back to the main path but after that it was plain sailing.

    Great day though and good to know I managed to make the most of the wonderful weather we had! :D


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