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Posts posted by tombrown

  1. Am kinda bewildered that no w.o.s.junior club has not joined the s.o.s.and take a chance of winning it like kelty did.after all the derogetory negitive things that were said about the standard of the league.or are they going to wait to see the p.w.g.out come tommorow.

  2. 5 hours ago, Kelheart said:

    Can see an automatic place or places available in LL sooner rather than later now though as Lthv won't rest on their laurels and the junior teams won't want to stay in EOS too long so who knows but it's an exciting time for the league 

    Your right it is exciting.the league's will be better.which will hopefully entice better players to all the clubs.as this happens the clubs who didnt join might find the chance has passed them bye.

  3. 2 hours ago, Robert James said:

    Inverkeithing Hillfield Swifts (amateur/youth) applied and were accepted into the EoS.

    At least 2 other amateur clubs enquired, but it was suggested to them that it would be better to delay their formal application this time.  

    St bernards amateur football club enquired via a phone call.no other did though.

  4. 1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    To be pedantic not all  of the 15 were accepted, because Dundonald deferred their application to 2019/20 and one of the two amateur clubs withdrew their application.

    No amateur club applied or withdrew.just to put the record straight.nor did mussleburgh windsor.

  5. theres be some great debate and good points made by both sides.but as dylan sang times are a changing.all the points spoken about actualy show we need to change its not just about How good you think your club should be and wear you wish them in any given league.we will all find our LEVEL so there can be no arguments.  if your club wishes to stay junior thats your level if they wish to go senior thats their level.

  6. Why do people on here always refer to the clubs who have joined the e.o.s as defectors.going to play in a ametuers league, all did their own investigations as to the quality of the teams are have been dissatisfied with the sjfa.and looked to better themselfs weather you agree or not.if your club has chosen to stay junior thats your choice.all the late applicants must have had second thoughts.again their choice.

  7. the e.o.s. on thursday will clearly show that the east is covered at level 6.and have the evidence to proof that.teams joining the league. kelty all but a game away from completing the circle.this shows a clear path that worked straight away. the e.o.s. can also show the WEST need a league that can give the same pathway to the west clubs its the logical thing to do.the North is slightly diffrent as another survey should be carried out to find the desire or the needs of these clubs.football is fast changing.

  8. Just read a great articile on a site called dugout.about the pyramid and the junior clubs joining.kelty's gm gives a statement about the clubs long term wellbeing.but west side talbot.nailed their colours firmly to the mast we are proud to be a junior club stated their chairman.it also goes on about the new west of scotland league.

  9. Fairweather Fan.

    Its not that hard to fix out religation promotion if the wosfl.started for the new season.the e.o.s have offered to get it started.they just need 12 teams to get started they dont just have to be junior. Keltys play off today shows that the pyramid does work once the criteria has been met.and yes they will find the lowland harder but again they can improve

  10. Glenafton93. the s.f.a opened the cup up to the juniors to try and show the benifits of a members cup for all then included the others.6 /7 junior clubs take part.league winners cup winner plus members. Changing rules is relatively easy.proposer.seconder .vote. If the senior clubs where to vote to stop the non members playing in the cup unless they were members. liecenced.and playing in a senior league.would the juniors still be looking to find which level there at.would it matter.


  11. Your bang on there.have the junior clubs been consulted,as to what do you want.some clubs have showed they wanted. needed. A change whilst others on here have showed their happy with the Status Quo. Poster earlier was correct about the junior cup rules can be changed but no official has offered as it seems they wish a closed shop approuch.again i will state.them who wish to join a senior league can do so through the s.o.s. e.o.s.or by joining the w.o.s. league them that wish to stay junior can choose to do that.but what ever happens.for the sake of the future we all need to change our attitudes.standing still is killing us.

  12. the main stumbling block was and has always been the section in the pyrimid and liceining, promotion is compulsary the junior clubs,we were always told are not interested.but they are willing to be included in the scottish cup.which by the way is a members compition for members only clubs who are liceinced.and also playing in a recognised members league.just like the junior scottish cup is only played for, by clubs who are junior no other clubs take part.13 clubs in the east have resigned from the junior setup to go senior which allows them to apply for s.f.a.membership.but they in turn. will not be playing in the junior scottish cup.

  13. the p.w.g.meets on thursday.i.m.o.they will agree to a west league as its the most logical sulution to the problem.any club who wishes to join that league will be allowed to do so coming in at tear 6.and if clubs decide not to join they will be allowed to stay tear 7. thats what the pyrimid is about.as clubs evolve in the structure more chances for clubs to take part will happen,clubs may decide after a season or 2 the pyrimid is not suited to their needs they will go back to their original league.if clubs wish to go senior they will.if they wish to stay junior they will.

  14. Think your right.dont think they can afford to wait. the pyrimid working group will take about 3 or 4 meetings before they agree anything as all the groups have different needs. EoS SoS.are all going to be trying for the best deal for them.remeber the east just got 14 new teams.they will look to start a level 6. TJ is trying hard to swing a vote in the juniors favour but i think it may fall short of their expectations after all the negitive things he said about these leagues and the pirymid

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