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Everything posted by stulch

  1. The only thing that could save that ever so slightly is if the south of the Tay sides joined the EoS. Then the Tayside league could join the north later. It makes you wonder if an agreement has been reached for the North Juniors.
  2. I think you meant licensed rather than your first unlicensed and SoS rather than your third EoS?
  3. Who wants to share the EoS minutes then? [emoji23] [emoji6]
  4. Their seems to be three regions but ideally you'd have two. Is there any way you could have two?...
  5. In an ideal world, how many leagues in the tier below the Highland League would you have?
  6. Well hopefully linked leagues below will finally be set up and Highland League relegation ultimations will be made...
  7. Where would you compare the Tayside level in the Highland League?
  8. I've heard on here people describe the North Juniors as close to amateur but I imagine they're still of a higher standard than the North Caledonian league?
  9. If I was right about the Highland I assumed with a view to having a promotion link to the Highland or one when it was set up.
  10. Sorry, I'm a bit confused now after further comments. I originally thought that the Tayside Senior league would be linked to the Highland league, rather than the Lowland leagues, because of its location. Were my original thoughts about your post correct?
  11. Do we know when the meeting starts? Sent from my F5321 using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  12. I wonder if there have been some late enquiries since then!
  13. I wonder if there has been some late enquiries since then!
  14. And going south, following my club for 36 seasons, at that point, dreaming of just getting to an FA Cup final, and then winning the Premier League. Try topping that...
  15. This one?:- https://www.thedugout.scot/2018/05/04/end-of-the-juniors-scottish-football-set-for-historic-change/
  16. Is TJ a one-man band or are there other non-club administrators of the Juniors? Just wondering...
  17. But if they are stuck, they'll stuck ahead of the rest of the East Juniors?
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