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Everything posted by nofixedability

  1. To repeat. What actions? Some fans really are morons that think they are entitled to say and do whatever they want in a football ground.
  2. It was in keeping with certain fans reactions though.
  3. Nothing worse than fans that spend 90 minutes howling at the moon then squeal at anything return. Pathetic really.
  4. Would completely agree with this nearly all the danger to us in the first half came from his inability to pass the football, he’s a liability. Thought both centre half’s had very good game for us.
  5. Pie sales would drop. Would be only negative about such a move if it happened.
  6. All a bit political for me. Dods was clearly the best defender we have had this decade I would have said and as good as Danny Denholm was he was not at the same level of Swankie.
  7. Clearly not Coupe who is thin as a whippet, must have been Jackson. Second half fall off was very evident versus Dumbarton too.
  8. Becoming very obvious that there is not enough energy in the team this year. Whatever else Malcolm tries to get in in January we need some speed, energy and aggression - far to many passive plodders at the moment.
  9. Utter madness. Bain is a semi decent right back, Burns is barely a footballer.
  10. Don’t agree , think there has been an improvement since new management team came in. What was wrong was recruitment in Summer ( and beyond).
  11. I’d agree with that, for playing three defensive midfielders we seemed to give a lot of time and space on the edge of our box for the opposition to shoot.
  12. Defensively we were diabolical today, arguably as bad as we have been all season at the back ( and that covers some ground). Thought Dumbarton were as bad but they had the sense to shoot on sight and got their rewards for doing that. If we don’t add to our squad in January the best we will get is relegation play-off, next week huge and if no Travis do not fancy us at all.
  13. I always thought "Athies" was a newspaper only nickname as that was about the only place it was used or occasionally in the programme. I was thinking maybe "Sky Blues" could work.. Nae bother “skybluedave”.
  14. It's absolutely not a free hit for Forfar tonight but given our record at Starks and 7 games on the bounce being lost it's hard to see anything other than a home win whoever Raith are missing.
  15. Some supporters with that “season tickets in the bin” shite. Sure they naffed off when it got cold last season too.
  16. And led us to second, had a bad car crash and resigned to recuperate. Your point is?
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