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Posts posted by GordonD

  1. I've never been a fan of clubs continuing to play these old Hector Nicol tunes as they sound awful.


    We always used to stop at a pub in Moffat when we were going to Dumfries. The jukebox had a Hector Nicol record - one side was "Hearts, Hearts, Glorious Hearts" and the other was "Glory, Glory to the Hibees". However no doubt with malicious aforethought the barman had put it in the wrong way round, so that whatever song you picked you got the other one! As Meadowbank Thistle supporters we didn't care but we liked to imagine the fury of a pub full of Jambos finding themselves listening to the Hibs song, or the other way round!

  2. Creating a website is one thing but putting up billboards all over the place costs a bob or two so it's not just some nutjob with too much time on his hands.


    BTW has anybody gone past the first page of that site?



    Also, has anyone seen these billboards;





    A couple have recently went up near me. I have no idea what they are about.

    Yes, there's one at the end of my street. It's presumably some sort of teaser and the next billboard to go up will reveal more, if not all.


    Anybody remember many years ago a series of billboards appeared that just said "Local Hero" or something similar? It was eventually revealed to be a Tennent's advert, with the Local Hero being the barman in your local pub. When that was revealed we started ripping the piss out of Sid in the Golden Gates...

  4. Warbs has surfaced....

    Warburton was loathe to discuss the shocking scenes at Hampden in the immediate aftermath of the Cup final.

    His players were forced to get their runners-up medals in the dressing room, delivered in a carrier bag and distributed by Warburton and Weir.



    Exactly who forced them? By the time Hibs collected their winners' medals (and the Cup, let's not forget the Cup) the pitch had been cleared so Rangers could easily have picked up their losers' medals in the normal way.

  5. Being a Ranger

    I was born to be a Rangers supporter.

    I had no real choice in the matter.

    My father was a Ger, as was his father and his father’s father.

    I was accepted that as soon as I was old enough to be lifted over a turnstile I would attend Ibrox, faithfully.



    Maybe if your dad had paid for you at the turnstile Rangers wouldn't have gone into liquidation...


    (And mjw, I realise you only quoted this and didn't write it.)

  6. Don't know if anybody's said this already, but...


    Those daytime ads which in effect say "If you're watching TV at this time of the morning then you're probably a pensioner, which means you're likely to die soon. Is it really fair to land your loved ones with the cost of your funeral?" Thus scaring the old folk into paying money they can hardly afford every single month for the rest of their lives, otherwise they lose the lot

  7. I don't think anybody has posted this - it's the editorial column from the Edinburgh Evening News on Monday:


    My heart was broken. My heart was broken. Sorrow, sorrow. Sorrow, sorrow.


    Sunshine on Leith is the Hibs anthem for good reason – there is far more to it than just being a beautiful, poignant love song which pays homage to the port. Heartbreak is in the DNA of Hibs fans. Generations of Hibbies have grown up knowing their club often comes within touching distance of glory but can’t usually seal the deal.


    That is not particularly unusual for a club of Hibs’ size, a big club with a proud history, but competing against others with far bigger resources.


    Hibs, however, have seemed to make an art form out of it. Not any more.


    Saturday changed all of that. It was only one game, but it does change everything. The Hibs Scottish Cup jinx – one of the world’s great sporting hoodoos – has been smashed into smithereens. All those Jambo taunts about 1902 and “the big cup†have been silenced. Just as independence would require most Scots to think about ourselves in a different way, this will require a psychological readjustment for most 


    It is a terrible shame that this wonderful time for everyone associated with the club has been adversely affected by the bad behaviour of a small minority. There must be a full investigation into what happened at Hampden Park to see what lessons can be learned, and those responsible for any violence should be identified and dealt with robustly.


    The vast majority of Hibs fans who behaved impeccably should not suffer for the idiocy of the few. It is a shame that all did not stay in their seats and sing Sunshine on Leith instead.


    It is easy to lose a bit of perspective during great sporting moments like this. It is, after all, only a game of football.


    For many families, though, it has meant far more than that. Thousands of celebrating supporters will have spent a lot of time over the last 48 hours thinking of loved ones that are no longer with us. Their thoughts will have been with fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, cousins and friends, who would have been thrilled to see Hibs win the cup, but never got to witness it.


    Those true fans deserve to revel in their moment in the sun. As ever, it is The Proclaimers who can perhaps sum it up best. Their message to the players who saw the cup and claimed it . . .


    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  8. The bit about the chippy queue... I do that. My local chippy isnt big enough to wait at the saucing station. Its horses for courses im afraid.

    Exactly. If you stand at the counter while they're cooking your fish then you're blocking the people behind from coming forward and ordering. My chippy fries the fish to order but has the steak pies and white puddings and stuff on the hotplate (whatever that thing is called) so people buying one of those can be served and out the shop before the fish is ready.

  9. Stewart Robertson on STV just now repeating the lie that "every single Rangers player" was attacked in some form. He couldn't put a figure on how many were physically attacked though - you'd think they would know that simply by asking the players themselves. When asked "How many were badly injured?" he again avoided a straight answer by asking for a definition of the term "badly injured". Also refused to condemn the Rangers supporters who came onto the park.

  10. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1464266969.679498.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1464266980.647311.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1464266991.135321.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1464267001.498228.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1464267010.930871.jpg All those teams get to show the trophy in the middle of the park but not hibs. Waited 114 years then some fans acted like idiots ruining a historic celebration for others.

    Be fair, they probably hadn't bothered to prepare a podium in Hibs colours as they didn't think they'd need it.

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