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Everything posted by indicator

  1. With you on this, really annoys me, but unfortunately it appears they're legally entitled to use the new name which, apart from 'THE' is exactly the same as that of the deceased entity. More annoying is, that nobody outside Scotland will notice any difference, as far as they know R*****s are R*****s and more than likely they'll be completely unaware of any of the goings on in the Scottish footballing community this closed season.
  2. 'The' FC sounds fine to me. If folk wan't to apply anything between T' and FC but we'll all know who they're talking about. The Brand New FC
  3. Just a wee point but, could everybody please stop referring to the 'newco' as R*****s and somebody think up a suitably appropriate name that we can all use in future. We shouldn't be going along with their desire to still be called R*****s.
  4. Just came in an caught this bit from Goram, who was he quoting when he said - " Aye gawn put us in the 3rd and watch the rest of the SPL squeal".??
  5. Looks that way. But of course all those managers are just temporary caretakers in their current positions, they will eventually move on. In the short term they are quite prepared to live with the long term effects of their actions. In their utter arrogance they choose to take no notice of the ground swell of opinion of fans who have supported these clubs for decades. It appears that any Chairman, Manager or Player interviewed by any arm of the media cannot emphasise enough their belief that we have to have an RFC in the SPL it's of no interest to them that RFC have cheated their way to trophies and titles. They are interested only in the probable effects upon their immediate financial position of not having them there. They are quite happy to maintain the status quo as long as the money keeps coming in. Anyway I've lost my place some 20 pages back, does that mean I have to go back and start at page 1 again.
  6. In which case you will require a daily update as to which rules apply on that particular day, to which clubs, what majority is required regarding the subject topic, who is entitled to vote and will the rules be changing before tomorrow. Good luck.
  7. Maybe but, people like myself who have a 500+ miles round trip to attend matches can probably drop the game more easily than fans living near their home team. I can only attend a few games per season and so find plenty to do on match days where I don't attend. I will find it fairly easy to not bother travelling anymore. As has been said umpteen times before, fans have no means of influencing their respective chairmen other than to proclaim that they will no longer be turning up at matches. There is no other weapon in the armoury, chairmen at this present time will be hoping that fans are saying this out of sheer frustration but will in fact find themselves unable to carry out the threat when the time comes.
  8. Well NON-OF chairmen, particularly ours, see no problem with this sort of bias continuing. They obviously think that the punters (mugs) will continue to accept it as they have done for many years. I'm beginning to think that all scotlands radio media exist purely to report on behalf of the OF. What is just as worrying is that players and managers appear to be thinking and commenting along the same lines.
  9. aye but this 'r' word is different I just couldn't bring myself to typing it.
  10. :lol: :lol: There's never been any doubt mate. No amount of protesting will change the outcome of this, I would find a different line of interest.
  11. The only really effective action would be for multiple thousands of non-OF fans to boycott the Scottish game. Despite what we are seeing on this site, I doubt that would happen. Anything else will be a waste of time but, but could certainly be welcomed by the usual media suspects. Presenting them with loads of useable comedy material for their tabloid rag, radio or TV programme.
  12. Who's this 'Adversity' he's dealing with? I can't find them on the official list of potential buyers.
  13. I cannae be bothered looking through Twelve Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty Eight posts. What's tomorrows deadline about?
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