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RR #1

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Everything posted by RR #1

  1. An apology that didn't contain the word sorry or any mention of victim at the start of a press conference he would have been mandated to appear at. No its not a start not even close.
  2. Was going to Celtic game but it seems it'll just be 90 minutes of back and forward about who has the beastiest club. Seems we've sank to old firms level. f**k me. I'm out. Cannae read or comment anymore on this shite it's getting me far too angry. f**k the lot of you. Aye because it is ya fanny.
  3. Sorry but I'm not having this pish either. If McGlynn was doing all this community work and we were still in league one or bottom of the championship would people still be showing him sympathy/goodwill? We both know the answer to this. Did Barry Smith or Gary Locke or any of the other shitey managers we've chased away not do any community work? Where was there sympathy and goodwill.
  4. Seems like some of you are happy to credit McGlynn when he signs an Ethan Ross or Christophe Berra but then we sign a rapist it's all down the chairman. f**k right off with that it's completely delusional.
  5. We will have to pay off his whole contract I don't think there can be any doubt about that. 2.5 years at a rumoured 1.2k a week as well as the 60k transfer fee and any signing on fee. When you add all this up he is costing us more than double what we sold our best prospect for. Even if DG wasn't a rapist this would be a pathetic piece of business.
  6. We need McGlynn punted and Berra put in as manager asap. I am so dissapointed in the manager. His response to this whole thing has been completely spineless. He sounded pathetic on his pre match radio interview just reffering to the club statement and his post match interview on Raith TV was pitiful, all fidgety and he looked like he was about to burst in to tears ffs. He should have manned up and taken some responsibility for what has happened. He has had plenty of chance by now.
  7. When is Berra back? How he started with Bene and Musonda at the back against Queens after their showing in Greenock is beyond me. Lang must surely pay this one and Poplatnik definitely deserves a run in the team.
  8. Aye maybe by cretins like you we will be but it's still a hell of a lot better than being known as the fanbase who gave a returning rapist a hero's welcome. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/5238201/david-goodwillie-rape-dundee-united-fans-cheer-scottish-cup-party/
  9. You and the other lads/lassies involved with Raith TV deserve a hell of a lot of credit for the turnaround by the board. I have absolutely no doubt that the prospect of losing out on the income that Raith TV generates was one of the biggest factors in their u-turn. Fair play to you all
  10. Ffs are you really that fucking stupid? People wanting him sacked has absolutely f**k all to do with form, budgets or league positions.
  11. So everyone is OK about this now? I certainly am not. I didn't want him playing for the club but now it seems we are going to have to pay off his entire contract as well as the ridiculous transfer fee and free him so he can get another contract elsewhere. What an absolute fucking shambles. And this comes after the club have done nothing but beg for money from fans for the last few years and you get mugs like me who work in low paying jobs who dip into their pocket time and time again. And for what? To fund this shite? I won't be putting another penny of my money into the club unless Sim and the other directors at fault personally take the financial hit on this or until Sim fucks off. I'm a bit more forgiving when it comes to the players not because I agree with their stance and comments of Bene but because I am pretty sure any other team's dressing room would have accepted this signing the same way ours has. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves on.
  12. This will be my last post on the subject and on this forum(would be grateful if someone could tell me how to delete account). Have been absolutely slaughtered at work today. Its no surprise really considering I work in Falkirk and have been giving them pelters for years. Like to say a huge thanks to the manager and chairman for 'rapist' patter I''m going to be getting at work for the foreseeable. Really is just what you want at 6am every fucking morning. Pretty ashamed of my posts on here last night too. I had only just learned of the news. No way I would want to be seen as someone who would support the rapist but the thought of stopping supporting the cub breaks my heart too. Will be at the game tonight but feeling real shitty about it.
  13. Saddest thing I have ever seen on here is some tragic wee townie fanny having the night of his life repeatedly posting "yous support a rapist". f**k off.
  14. No we won't. The attendance will be around the same pathetic number as always. Maybe if the people in the town actually came out and supported the club in greater numbers we would have more of a say in who we signed. The board obviously think that of losing a couple of hundred fans but increasing our chances of promotion by making this signing is worth the gamble.
  15. Well your wild guess would be bang wrong smart arse. I support Raith Rovers because I come from Kirkcaldy and my Grandad started taking me to the games when I was 4. I am 39 now. Players come and go. I have never looked at any of them as role models or have ever given two fucks about what they get up to off the pitch. Obviously I would prefer we didn't sign sex offenders but the fact that we have isn't going to stop me supporting the club because it the club I support and not anyone person individually.
  16. Supported the club long before the days of David Goodwillie and will still be a supporter long after he's gone.
  17. What's the story with Varian? That's been 3 games in a row now he's not been in the squad and I've never heard it mentioned on any of managers interviews that he has an injury.
  18. Sam Stanton running the show since the Morton goal.
  19. Seen a few folk on their thread speculating that Morrison might go to Accies for a fee. If we can, we should go after him. Looked excellent both against us and against other clubs. The only player of theirs I'd take. Don't know what you two are on but there is absolutely no danger we should be considering signing any of that mob. Especially a winger who is not as good as the 3 we currently have and a striker who has scored 1 every 5 games in the league below.
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