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  1. I also think having some a mural/graffiti along the brickwork along pratt street would improve the ascetics as it looks tired. Something similar to what Partick have. Probably difficult given its on a road though I guess.
  2. How do you know we never looked near the Irish premier clubs?
  3. I know it’s preseason but Hamilton and Connolly look so far off it, it’s ridiculous. Folk will say its just preseason but they were miles off it last season too. I don’t think McGill is the answer to replace Hamilton, although I’m not sure who could become available.
  4. Only way I see us signing a keeper is with an emergency loan if/when required albeit I think Thomson would re-register before that even becomes an option.
  5. Can’t see either Dick or Stevenson as RWB/RB. Freeman will be first choice with Mullin and Matthews as potential back up’s.
  6. Not seen Vaughan in any videos or photos this week. Don’t know if he’s injured or been given an extra week rest given the amount of games he played last season and his injury record.
  7. I would assume it would be on loan if it is indeed true however I sadly doubt it is.
  8. Seen someone mention Bowie but I doubt there was anything in it. Would love it to happen but can’t see it.
  9. I seen a tweet from what I suspect is Turnbull’s Son who was disappointed the family weren’t contacted first. Barrowman then tweeted asking them to contact him.
  10. Stevenson will be first choice LB. This makes Dick cover for LB and LCB, making Brown 5th choice option for CB. A RB, winger/no.10 and a striker and that’s likely us likely done.
  11. Is there something you know? If so, get it spilt.
  12. Its 100% Joma. The third kit already shows its Joma + didn’t Barrowman work with them? Would imagine he’ll know their margins and negotiate the best deal for the club.
  13. Seems to be a few suggestions he’s already signed but won’t be announced until he’s back from Germany. Don’t know if any of those suggesting this are ITK. Would love to see something sooner rather than later. Also thought from Barrowman’s recent interview that the nee kit would be announced this week
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