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Posts posted by Passionate

  1. Cheerio, cheerio cheerio. Will we be singing that on Saturday as the Falkirk masses walk out with 10!to go after another ritual scudding..


    Seriously though,  Falkirk have done well so far,  and look to be at the top of their game,   

    Airdrie are gradually finding their feet after the scattergun recruitment caught them out.   when the inevitable injuries happen...

    This could be a classic. Personally going for a 3 3 draw,  with both sets of fans going home happy....   


    Is Henderson suspended,   

  2. 43 minutes ago, Excelsior Diamond said:

    That is quite pathetic, and probably says more about the person trying to make that connection. 

    If I may to drag this thread back from the bin fire of hyperbole and deflection it has descended to. 

    I do know the club is trying to deal with this, and wish them well. They could do worse than take a hard line with the nasty element embedded in our support, stop allowing them to display their tatty banners, and when they do step out of line (as they inevitably will), show them the door. 

    You started the thread......  With the name WTF did you expect...

  3. 25 minutes ago, Rocky Rooster AFC said:

    I was confused as the away kit was red with a black diamond and third kit the violet and navy one both far from sectarian or controversial in any way . 

    Just as I thought it was a lame attempt for a bite and I bit a little. 


    Rocky, I know you are new to this game,  this is just on line tribal bolloks where you have to defend your club,   The hypocrisy on here is fantastic.    Thistle,  Livi mark. Whatever,     Every Saint has a past,  Every sinner has a future.. 

    We all have a luv in at the end of the season,   don't worry(Thistle are open all hours)

  4. 1 minute ago, Dav nan Gael said:

    You went bust,we didn't,get over it.

    Looking forward to rocking up the short 14 miles along the road with the rest of the Whitburn ladz,in November. 

    Should be fun.

    Your not going to trash our toilets again are you,  it took us all of 30 seconds to clean after you last time,  saw more mess at a kid's party FFS...

    That's for the future pal, hopefully you still have your free bus travel at that point,  doubt it though...


    More pressing issues we have the FEAR coming to town on Saturday,  da, da da...

  5. 6 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Yeah we got to stay Livingston when we went into administration twice, but when liquidated your club is deid, a la Rangers & Airdrieonians.  It isn't about Ferranti/Meadowbank/Livingston though is it, but shows why you don't want to bother about the nazi element in your club,  deflection, sweeping it under the carpet and ignoring it, anything but looking inward and condemning your club for not ridding itself of this.

    You'd rather attack anyone who calls it out, pretty shameful attitude, or worse, you think it's acceptable.

    Talk to me about Esmael Goncalves...


    You think that is acceptable,  or was that Livvy mark 1 or Livvy mark 2..


    Jesus wept ( other fictional characters are available, in case I offend anyone 🥴)

  6. 1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    No, but they do attack elderly Cove Rangers fans.


    Appears that’s the same lovely gent giving a sieg heil salute in a photo from just a few months before this game, which clearly wasn’t enough for Airdrieonians FC to ban the lad. A club definitely committed to tackling the racism problem in their support. 

    Quick question, what happened with the racist incident in your own support directed towards Adeloye last season,    ,  pretty sure your club issued a statement about it..   Pot , kettle and all that jazz.....

  7. 21 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:

    A pretty forgettable game. We didn't play particularly well but still ran out comfortable winners. Queens had a good chance at 1-0 when they hit the post and missed the rebound which may have made it a different game, but I never really saw us not winning.

    Similar to the previous match I don't think Queens look too bad overall, they just look toothless in the final third. Wouldn't be surprised to see them losing a lot of close games narrowly in League 1 due to lack of quality up front.

    For us, as good a day as you could want, a win, minutes for the squad and (seemingly) no injuries.

    I thought under the circumstances it was an excellent display and result,  We played a different system and it suited Mochrie down to a tee,  he is a good player, drifts past players for fun and had players to link with today, many moan about his work rate,  if he can create in the final third to me that's his job,  let the defending and marking be done by the players who should be doing it....     Or as I heard someone say today,  Mochrie I don't like him,  why,,  the answer.  He runs funny....


    That's us going into the Falkirk showdown in as good a shape as possible at the moment,   main question Wright or Johnson between the sticks.....   And will Rhys play 442 with Reid and Wilson up top,  I would be tempted to....

  8. 5 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    You think it's leftie nonsense to give a fan a ban for displaying bigoted banner? 

    What incident, the one 3 years ago which is in the hands of the Judges,   or are you taking about the saltire at the Raith game,  which has not been banned or any individual who owned it.. Fact.  Or the incident at Accies last week where 2 flags were refused entry with the official word from stewards that they took up too much space..   Fact....



  9. 11 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Just a wee joke x

    The Airdrie obsession is brilliant actually,   loving it...


    I suppose our poor attendance at Palmerston today is down to the lefties not attending due to the big bad flags at the game, oppressing them or is it a large contingent attending the protest march today.....


    You decide.....

  10. Hopefully Rhys plays his strongest side as much as he can due to injuries and try and attack and win the game,  to get the confidence moving on the right direction...


    Looking at the season so far and for various reasons the season in risk of going Pete tong already,   injuries don't help,   I tend to look a bit deeper....


    Did we go into this season under cooked,  2 friendlies,  The Rovers and a training week game with Crusaders and then into the League cup section..   a lot questioned it at the time.....


    Look at Ayr United for example we can say they have splashed the cash all they want,  although they have self generated a lot,  a competitive sell out friendly with Celtic another near sell out friendly with local rivals Killie.....    They seemed streets ahead or is and other teams so far this season, could this be down to a real desire to hit the ground running,   we seem to have been left behind, with the narrative of time on legs etc,    we have a wicked run of fixtures coming up and really need points are we up to speed yet though....



  11. 16 minutes ago, Diamonds02 said:

    Tough one that as they sit right at the end of the stand and as a result most people (including myself) didn’t see it until the pictures after the game. Also tbf I can see why confronting these famously violent people would have been intimidating for others.

    It was there once and the club made sure it was never seen again so I don’t think there is much wrong with the way it was handled.

    Yep we banned the saltire with a statement on it.....    

  12. 1 hour ago, starshot131 said:

    I really do hope improvements have been made but I mind the back end of last season seeing the union flags and all that at Airdrie, and while that's not a nazi symbol it obviously has connotations in Scotland. Imo these sorts of things should just be banned at games, all it does is inspire more bigotry from both sides

    Don't talk pish,    I suppose all you lefties will be moaning about  the Large Northern Ireland flag that will be displayed to honour McStravick and Wilson our 2 Irish players,  we did a Bulgarian one for Todorov and the Caribbean one for ATS.....   We are a multinational football team



  13. 12 minutes ago, moses1924 said:

    Good news on both, personally wouldn't be risking anyone tomorrow who isnt fully fit, it was great winning the trophy last year but need to get as many fully fit for league business as possible

    We really need a confidence booster here,  Ben Wilson needs to get back on the goals,  hopefully Armstrong and MCDonald can stay out the refs book, as that affects their performance the last couple.of weeks on the second half..

    Falkirk are coming to town next week looking for revenge,  we need to be in as good a shape as.possible to take on these p***ks...


    Disappointed their is no supporters bus to this game,  is apathy setting in this early. ???   70degree heat a  winnable cup tie in a cup where  we are currently holders....  

    Could be a classic day out..

  14. 3 hours ago, Rocky Rooster AFC said:

     ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.'”


    It's the same goals we are losing over the past few weeks, opposition allow the defenders to play about and as soon as the pass goes into the midfielder it's pressed fast and hard forcing the error and overloading us.

    Thankfully a few players showed some fight and in particular the ones off the bench to get us back into the game and an enforced system change made all the difference with the two two up top. 

    Could be a massive point and hopefully the start of a better run of results again. 


    Agree Rocky, personally the only  set up change I would have , is what midfielder will drop out to play McGregor or preferably Mochrie,   at the moment we are getting caught recycling the ball too often with no real threat up top with Ben isolated as you say opposition push up on the high press forcing errors,  we need more space to let our players get on the front foot...


    Also Rocky after all your excitement last week when the window fizzled out to nothing,  was there any last minute bids in or out...

  15. 31 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


    I was thinking this yesterday watching the Man Utd game. All 3 of Liverpool's goals (and their disallowed goal) looked very Airdrie-like. Giving the ball away cheaply in midfield as a result of teams pressing hard. I know we aren't up against the best pressing side in the world like Liverpool every week, but the idea that we can keep doing this all season and it be a net benefit seems highly unlikely when you see the problems that even teams at the top level face.

    People can point to last season but firstly I'd say teams were not pressing us anything like they are this season. I think back to Gallagher's goal against Raith where we had 30 odd passes, Raith players were walking about putting no pressure on the ball and allowing us to just knock it about. Similar was McGregor's goal against Morton in the 1 nil game. Most teams were the same. However this season teams clearly have us sussed, are aggressively pressing us knowing that we will cough up possession. It was also Todorov coming in and going a bit more safe and direct that pushed us up the league, not our much talked about style of play.

    We don't have the players to be passing balls into midfielders' feet facing their own goal under extreme pressing, as already shown numerous times this season by virtually every midfielder, it was Aiken's turn on Saturday but has been Mochrie, McGrattan and Agyemang previously. It's not a criticism of those players specifically, I'm not sure any players at this level are able to. When we are in the final third and on the front foot I think they have enough quality but the question is how do we get them in those positions more often, and without gifting the opposition goals in the process.


    Good points,   it's not just Airdrie that faces a high press, all teams tend to do it, this season,   a lot of it comes down to quality of passing, seems obvious..  When facing the high press against Raith, Rhys McCabe was pinging balls everywhere beating the press, he has the ability to do it,  McMaster, Gallagher, Aiken do not have the passing range and we tend to overplay it,  normally passing to a player with a closed stance,  last few games McGrattan, Aiken, McMaster,  when they are facing their own goal the options of ball retention  are limited...   I think it will come together but we might need to open the game up,  IMO we are a front foot team and will cause teams trouble,  we might have to sacrifice one of our midfielders for either Mochrie or McGregor. ..

  16. A surreal Lanarkshire derby played on glorious sunshine on front of both sets of disgruntled fans for various reasons...

    Watching the game it looked like a nil nil all over it,   Airdrie are really playing identical to this time last season  main difference we have less proven weapons this season,    Keeper and CB were decent and there link up with midfield will improve,   My main gripe os midfield which we should control, we don't due to basic setup,  Frizzell is a good player, bit lacks pace and is not a leader,  Gallagher has a bit of the Devenneys about him,  massive improvement on physique and maturity from last season, compare him today to the cup final last season , night and day...

    Armstrong is arguably our best midfielder handicapped on recent games like today with a silly first half booking,  he is never the same player when on a yellow.. McGrattan and Mochrie are the boo boys favourites,  personally think Mochrie is a technically good player and is effective on the final third,    he gets heavily criticised for his lack of effective tracking back,  IMo there is plenty midfielders and defenders who can work harder and defend as a unit than rely on their only out ball tracking back..

    Wilson was marshalled well throughout by Accies,, he is a very good striker at this level but has to start taking his chances,   Aaron Reid who I was critical about gave us a glimpse of what he can do,  a Jimmy Lister esque finish getting us back in the game,  he is not the answer though,  


    We have 2 loanees left,   we have a wicked run of fixtures in September if we can get reinforcements in, don't wait till the last minute please..

  17. 10 minutes ago, Rocky Rooster AFC said:

    From what I have heard we are only really looking at loan market now, One familiar face apparently close to a loan, but don't see anything happening tonight in terms of a signing . A lot of rumours been flying about including a possible move for Ryan Jack so clearly some are a bit extravagant indeed.  

    Oh OK,   so the imminent is not imminent then..


    Onwards and upwards

  18. On 26/08/2024 at 13:58, Rocky Rooster AFC said:


    Hearts have been mentioned and we have apparently knocked back a mystery £200k bid for him. 

    Be interesting as you have a lot of rumours flying about just now and a lot of interest and approaches made.

    wait and see if anything concrete surfaces as the week progresses. 

    Rocky,  Your the man with the yellow tie on,  what's the latest,   The PEN run out of ink,     you have gave us a bit of hope for a few days there,     We know what we need,  time to deliver....

  19. On 28/08/2024 at 15:42, Rocky Rooster AFC said:

    The pen is imminent I am led to believe, As I say a lot of rumours flying about just now but a little birdie says one deal is extremely close.  

    That's us close to the witching hour,    


    Hopefully hear about a forward player today,  is that more hope than expectation though...

    If not are we going to put a bit of "spin" on it, with the loan window up at end of sept for loans from the league above..

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