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Everything posted by #Gary

  1. So much for last night being Jericho's last WWE appearance for a long while...
  2. Christ! A friend of a friend has just paid over 300 quid for a replica TNA belt Are any of you lot that into wrestling fcking stupid?
  3. Just realised that next week's RAW is also being taped tonight, so the entire build up to the RAW side of HIAC will be known tonight/tomorrow! We'll likely get an Orton-Sheamus and a Cena-Barrett. No idea for the rest though tbh.
  4. TNA would never do that!!!1!1!!!1!!!!!!111!!! *froths*
  5. Wade Barret, Kane, Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, Melina, and whoever's facing Hart Dynasty. I, too, think Miz will cash in and lose.
  6. There isn't one announced but as the whole idea of NoC is that every title is on the line, I'm sure Jambo is just having a guess. Pretty good shout actually. Also leaves the question .. who do you think would make the best tag team out of Nexus? Surely Gabriel and someone.
  7. Michael Cole and Josh Mathews are fantastic!
  8. Wow, Chavo Guerrero on SmackDown Kaval's debut couldn't have been any shitter.
  9. As expected, NXT Season 3 was awesome.
  10. Taking Jericho's spot in the title match? I think it was pretty obvious last night that he's going to be making a face turn.
  11. Justin Gabriel should not be allowed on the mic, and David Otunga shouldn't be allowed to do anything. I wish he would just fck off. He has nothing.
  12. Murray's struggling but it's not really clear if it's an injury or the weather or if he's just completely fcked. Wawrinka is apparently injured but is running about like a fcking maniac. Every interval for the last 10 games or so Murray has been saying to his team that he's done and it's over.
  13. Murray seems to be losing it a bit. His frustrations are getting the better of him.
  14. I only switched it on as Murray won the 1st set tie break (I thought it was tomorrow he was on til I noticed the new posts in this thread!) and since I switched it on Murray has been nothing short of excellent ... EDIT and as soon as I say that he slips up big time with some very poor tennis.
  15. They've already announced her for the show. If someone else takes her place they'll no doubt have her come in near the end of the series and destroy everyone in sight.
  16. SyFy are dropping NXT after season 3. Apparently, there's talk of incorporating it into RAW or SmackDown!
  17. Goldust and Vickie Guerrero on NXT season 3 as pros? Could actually be worth watching. Oh, and the ending of season 2 was the most retarded thing ever. Seriously.
  18. I was hoping for The Rock to turn up there
  19. Is it just me or do you change you're mind every month? Didn't you say you were never watching either show again? You also always seem to talk about RAW .. I suggest watching SmackDown which is totally overlooked by a lot of people. You have Mysterio/Del Rio, McIntyre/Cody/Christian/Hardy, Kofi/Ziggler, Kane/Taker, CM Punk cutting some of the best promos and probably going solo again soon, and it's looking like we're heading for a Swagger/MVP as well. All of which are great in their own ways. All that compared to RAWs 'we don't know what to do with half our talent so we'll stick them all in the title match'
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