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Everything posted by #Gary

  1. RVD's picture is plastered all over wwe.com in adverts
  2. Completely forgot Murray was on TV earlier. Seems he sailed through without playing very well.
  3. I thought I'd heard that song used in WWE numerous times before but couldn't think when and for what! I agree about Drew McIntyre's entrance. Excellent stuff. As for NXT, I'm not sure. I think big Wade Barrett has the potential to become a star. Daniel Bryan is obviously going to win it and get his chance to become a star so we'll find out with him. I'm not so sure he can, but then I look at some of the upper midcarders they have just now and he can be probably be better than most of them. Possibly Otunga as well with a gimmick where he think's he's amazing due to being on reality TV shows and being married to a celeb.
  4. How good is CM Punk? Not watched SmackDown in a long time.
  5. I thought I was the only one, which is why I haven't posted. The Daniel Bryan-Miz thing is indeed looking like it could be a cracker. The ending to the main event was pish though - Barrett was dominating the match and all Gabriel done was push him off the top rope then hit the 450 splash. The 450 splash is excellent but apart from that, Gabriel wasn't too impressive either. I actually think Slater could be a good heel, he's full of shite and annoying as fck. Looked pretty decent in the ring as well without being brilliant. I'm also interested in where they go with the Punk-Darren Young pairing. That could be another cracker.
  6. Sounds good to me. Edge v Christian for the title some time in the next year.
  7. Whatever happened to Heidenreich? I always thought he was pretty good.
  8. I've been reading some of this thread that I hadn't bothered reading before. At the start there was talk of who was who so .. has Kane always been the same guy?
  9. Quite enjoying this NXT thing. Anyone else think that ring announcer sounds more like a 10 year old boy?
  10. Quite deep here and still falling heavily
  11. Yep, it was. And here it is for anyone who didn't see it (I didn't notice it on the tv angle). http://www.tmz.com/v...82-8720117fde78
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y89gql-07tI Someone's in the shit
  13. Still have those listed above plus: Oblivion FIFA 10 007: Quantum of Solace
  14. #Gary


    I was at White Lies again on Saturday at the Academy. It was fantastic and better than their gig earlier in the year at the Barrowlands. Not the same = better? I reckon Johnny Marr has made a great band even better. I seen them at the Barrowlands a few months ago and it was probably the best gig I've been to.
  15. #Gary


    Arctic Monkeys were excellent tonight, despite the gig being stopped about 4 times in the first half hour! I'd heard beforehand the SECC was crap for gigs but it wasn't bad at all.
  16. Jennifer's Body Meh. A few funny moments and Megan Fox is brilliant in many ways but this was no better than 'alright'.
  17. #Gary


    The Cribs were on top form tonight. Absolutely brilliant! The support band 1990s were also really really good
  18. Went to see Zombieland last night. Hilarious and fantastic. See it!
  19. Just got The Cribs new album - Ignore the Ignorant - so will be listening to that. Hope it's as good as the rest of their stuff. Can't wait to see them at the end of the month
  20. Sorry, it was a mate who asked me to put TMNT on and see if anyone would swap. He had it on eBay as well and it's sold.
  21. TMNT, or NBA Live 06 anyone?
  22. Valley Par still with us? Are you swapping or not?
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