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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Maybe. Adding 2 seats to make it still Rep controlled but at a more balanced 6-5 in return for concessions seems like the sort of bipartisan stuff the Biden wing and the neverTrump moderates (lol) might go for.
  2. And for the " fingers in our ears/lets not learn any lessons " lads too by the looks of it.
  3. They've lost the Senate. They've lost seats in the House. They've lost the chance to try and balance the Supreme Court. They've lost a chunk of Hispanic voters. They've been taken to the wire by a guy whose first response to a global pandemic was to suggest injecting bleach.
  4. The Dems have had an absolute shocker here and Biden scraping a narrow victory isn't going to paper over the cracks. The fact that Trump has increased his vote share by around 4 million and with hispanics, women and blacks is incredible and pretty damning for the Democrats.
  5. Somewhere out there, there's an American left wing twitter account with the name Mike Crapo Trap House
  6. Him and his ragtag band of terfy Mcglashans will be vocal and hungry for publicity.
  7. Very safe Republican state. Surprise anal is the real battleground state.
  8. The electoral map looking better now. A clear path to victory.
  9. Utterly toxic wee c**t. Needs to be as far away from the next referendum as possible.
  10. Quite. They are ruthless though, so I'd be surprised if they went the distance for Trump if it's obvious Biden has won. They have the judges, which was the main thing.
  11. Moscow Mitch hinting that the GOP will back the legal action.
  12. He'll be glad he's not going to be President for another 4 years imo. He just doesn't want to go out a loser. Unlucks on that one though.
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