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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Rejecting the MSM fake news and tuning into Info Wars baby.
  2. What's everyone doing for coverage ? Got CNN on atm but it's pretty dry. Tempted to switch Fox on for bantz.
  3. I wouldn't read too much into the bookies odds tbh.
  4. There better be scenes and patter tonight after the complete let down of the debates.
  5. He'll be 6-12 months out the game before coming back.
  6. Very disappointed that the ISIS boys are back on their bullshit. Ffs, in case you hadn't noticed lads it's a bit of a inconvenient time for this sort of nonsense.
  7. It's cool how it's being slowly whitewashed that a decent chunk of the PLP actively sabotaged their own parties election attempts for years, culminating in some of them being awarded peerages for their efforts. Much democracy.
  8. Great stuff, although personally think we shouldn't be paying for it.
  9. Telling my undecided neighbour he has to vote for independence due to the terrible injustice meted out Rob Roy in 1732
  10. Change leftists to the right wing of the Labour party and you've cracked it.
  11. That Terrence K Williams tweet makes me wonder who will best adapt the grift after the Trump defeat.
  12. Mind Swampy had that alias where he pretended to be some American pizza delivery guy in New Jersey who had innocently stumbled upon the politics sub forum of a Scottish football website.
  13. 'Come out ye Orange Tans' Biden /Harris 2020 Tiocfaidh ár málárkey
  14. Sir Keith correctly assuming that the English left will do absolutely f**k all about this. sTAy aNd fiGHt
  15. Nice of the producer to tag a few far right accounts for a bit of a signal boost.
  16. Poor Don Jr. No matter what he does, he'll never be good enough for his auld man. The curse of the failson.
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