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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. http://Check out @JordanUhl’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1098282958828593152?s=09 The Dutch lad who was telling the rich at Davos that they need to get taxed more has induced a pretty nice heads gone from Tucker Carlson.
  2. It's going to be fucking delicious watching this whole thing crash and burn.
  3. Dunno about you guys, but I prefer not knowing where our national security risks are, rather than having them locked up or under heavy surveillance here. Makes it a bit more exciting, like an episode of 24 or something.
  4. I see no one has mentioned the most important political news coming out the US today. The weirdo Kent State gun girl with the pot noodle hair shat her pants.
  5. Her lawyer has denied she also has Bangladeshi citizenship. The govt doesn't seem to have a good record on Brits with Bangladeshi heritage. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/british-citizenship-removal-isis-terrorists-extremists-stateless-illegal-blocked-court-bangladesh-a8645241.html
  6. Their whole team had less shots on goal than Stokes did. Is that right aye ? Too tired and too rested. Aye, a bit unfair to be putting them up against big units like Stevenson, Cummings and Keatings.
  7. Me: (small brain, totally stupid) As she's a British citizen, we have a responsibility. She should be brought home, put on trial and her newborn child taken care of. You: (galaxy brain, actual fucking genius) STOP WHITEKNIGHTING ISLAMOFACISISTS YOU TERRORIST SYMPATHISER
  8. Centrism is a gateway drug for fascism.
  9. Shocked that the BBC made Morelos and McGregor kick people. Papal sorcery imo.
  10. Granny Danger equally as culpable as Rees Mogg and Farage in this whole sorry mess imo.
  11. It really would be the icing on the cake of this clusterfuck if the 7 rebels had been promised Tory defections which then didn't materialise.
  12. Berger will probably be the only one who is missed.
  13. Even more bantz. They wanted Ruth the Truth as leader. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/staggers/2019/02/there-no-clear-space-new-centrist-party-scotland?amp&__twitter_impression=true
  14. It's doing the rounds on Twitter. Gossip I've heard on "imminent" #LabourSplit: * There's a 10-year strategy for the new party * Those leaving Lab will pledge not to stand for re-election in their current constituency & will instead target marginals. * They sought advice from consultancy firms in Washington Constituencies with large Labour majorities are almost always a party rather than personal mandate. Standing in their own constituencies will almost certainly bring about an embarrassing Danczuk type episode of lost deposits.
  15. So they want a People's Vote, but won't have a by election to let the people in their constituencies decide whether they still want them representing them now that they've quit Labour. And, rather than contest their current seats in the next election, they're going to stand in marginals to split the vote and let the Tories in. A bunch of cowardly, pro austerity, pro privatisation, pro war Red Tories.
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