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Everything posted by Wee-Bey

  1. Hodor and Stannis white walkers tonight plz.
  2. Absolutely shocked to see Sturgeon once again turn the boot licking forelock tuggers into a seething mess of tears and snotters. Mind and tick the right box this time lads.
  3. Unimaginable seethe if the Hound dies next week and there's no Cleganebowl.
  4. Corbyn should be very worried as these lads have an excellent record of shooting unarmed civilians.
  5. Thatcher's rotting corpse wouldn't be any worse than May tbf.
  6. And this is what Deacon Blue look like now. Feel old yet ?
  7. Yes, a section of society who face discrimination during hiring and in the workplace, 1 in 8 assaulted in the workplace and up to half who feel the need to or are forced to hide their identities. Completely and utterly irrelevant to disputes between capital and labour then aye. I'm a socialist. Thinking that transpeople should be treated with dignity and respect, and should enjoy the same protections in and out of the workplace that everyone else has doesn't make me a liberal. Champ. It more often than not does though, and rightly so. And given the high numbers of homelessness and those forced into sex work, their marginalisation has everything to do with the overarching socioeconomic system. You think trans rights belong in the bin ? Very cool champ.
  8. They generally have a higher level of unemployment and are less likely to be hired. Not to mention the numbers that are forced to turn to sex work. Disproportionately more likely to be homeless, with perhaps up to 1 in 4 being homeless at some point. AlbertKennedy_ResearchReport_FINALInteractive.pdf lgbt_in_britain_-_trans_report_final.pdf These transpeople generally don't get much attention though. It's the Katelyn Jenner's, the daft middle class uni types and the alt right provocateurs who do.
  9. Erm no. The vast majority of transpeople are working class. Trans rights are absolutely linked to the struggles of class and labour. I'm not a liberal m9. Perhaps I should have phrased it better. I meant 'the most vulnerable and marginalised' in general terms. Transpeople very much belong in this group alongside other sections of our society.
  10. The Republicans are now split on climate change. On one side you have those who think Jesus will fix it, and on the other side those who think Reagan riding a velociraptor will.
  11. If you consider yourself even slightly on 'the left' or 'left wing, then surely you should be showing solidarity with the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our society. If you're not willing to do that, then you're not a part of the left. Standing with trans people isn't identity politics or a hill to die on, it's just the right fucking thing to do.
  12. There's no denying that he was massively important both pre and post September 2014. He opened a lot of people's eyes and probably influenced thousands to join the movement and vote yes. Most of his stuff around that time was fucking excellent. He's now just preaching to the converted. Ask yourself this, are those who are still on the fence going to be persuaded to vote yes after reading some of the shite he posts and knowing that the absolute zoomers on the fringes of the movement flock to him like a moth to a flame ?
  13. Can't believe the Yes da's have raised over 700 grand for him. The game's gone.
  14. I don't think it was homophobic, but I hope the Reverend Incel from Bath loses. He's an absolute fucking roaster.
  15. H_B doing a great impression here of the seething gammons who give themselves an aneurism everytime the Daily Mail prints a picture of Corbyn alongside Gerry Adams or Assad. THIS WOOMIN IS NOT FIT TO LEAD ARE COUNTRY !!1!
  16. If this doesn't get those working class leave voters onboard with a 2nd referendum, I don't know what will
  17. It's Gove for me. We'll never get another chance to have a PM who managed to have a fivesome on the same night he was leathered by the Aberdeen casuals.
  18. First Campbell then Lammy, no way back for Sturgeon now. She's finished.
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