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Everything posted by KarlMarx

  1. Maybe due to white people not being oppressed perhaps. It is non-white and non christian people who are oppressed in the so called land of the free and home of the slave.
  2. What's offensive about not standing for the anthem of black oppression?
  3. Trump is a vicious racist c**t. His supporters are all c***s. Why is that so difficult to understand? Why should black people stand for a national anthem of a country who has oppressed them since they day they landed on your stolen land?
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BP_4XISjSgg-oOzh2h_zxqOXKHfMy--YOsjyec0/
  5. £1000 here and now that your club will never go pro again. People like you should be grateful we let you in when you went bust yet for some reason you think you are a cut above the rest of us. In the last 50 years the biggest damage has been done in Americas name in the so called battle against socialism and Islam. Boris is a bumbling fool but he is not a dictatotrial racist who refuses to listen to anybody else.
  6. You're kidding yourself if you think Clydebank will ever go pro again. An entire huge country that causes bother all over the world and holds back people of race. A person like Trump could never become PM of UK hence why wee prats like Farage and his party of racists get nowhere. Why do black peopleget treated like second class citizens in 2017 in America. How can you in any justify what that country has done to the world?
  7. Why do you watch it then? I seethe against racism as should you. The so called leader of the free world is happy to advocate racism and through brexit UK does to. Time for the decent non racists to fight back.
  8. You should have read the shite Randy wrote about our level of football. He is an odious wee individual with odious views. Notice Swampy has no idea of American evil history.
  9. Are you really as dumb as ypu sound? Have you done your research into America's unwanted interference yet?
  10. Could be worse I could be a right wing dick like you wee man.
  11. You are without doubt a fucking clown just like Trump. Done your research on America's disgusting history yet Swampy?
  12. Good for you. You're entitled to your beliefs. The people murdered by Uncle Sam no longer have that choice. Cheers mate.
  13. The west supported Saddam until he stopped playing ball with them. The war was about oil, oil and oil.
  14. I've seen it documentaries, news programmes, news articles. Are these lies?
  15. You are determined to say the people who are feeling persecuted by Uncle Sam's interference are either liars or Saddam supporters. Pretty sure these people being persecuted for being Christian or women being beaten for not wearing burkhas are being truthful.
  16. Yet in all these countries they opleny state a feeling of persecution. They were not persecuted in Iraq before Uncle Sam's interference.
  17. The only took him out when he stopped doing what he was told by the land of the free (as long as you are white).
  18. Saddam's Iraq was indeed the only Middle East state where Christians were allowed to practice freely.
  19. Your alleged country kept in place a murderous right wing dictator. Your alleged country backs up dictators as long as they are right wing and only murder left wing commoners. You are like the country you pretend to come from plain bloody idiotic.
  20. You're thick as f**k and know nothing of American history. Thanks for proving that 1 You do know it was the American shitehole that funded Pinochet who murdered thousands in football stadiums? 2 America put out a leader of Guatemala for kicking out The American Fruit Company and giving the money to the people. 3 America invaded Grenada to displace a democratically elected leader for being a socialist. America only believes in democracy when it suits them. Read some books about American history and world interference. You may learn something Swampy
  21. So those that say that Christians who are now being persecuted that were previously allowed to practice are liars? Women who previously worked in good jobs who no longer are allowed to are liars? Women beaten for not wearing appropriate clothing are liars? The takeover by religous leaders who want to see IS in control is not happening? Why did take 12 years after gassing for the evil twins of Bush and Blair to invade? I don'tread The Guardian nor do I read rags like The Daily Mail who want you to believe everything is rosy. Basically what you are saying is that observers who state things are worse for the average Iraqi are liars or Saddam supporters?
  22. You're not American. How did Yankland improve Guatemala, Chile, Iraq or Grenada? One alleged evil empire replaced with a behemoth who believes it has the right to tell us what to do. Who elected Trumpland the world's policemen anyway?
  23. In what way is it nonsense? If you think the SNP would be different then you are a fool. America does more bad than good. Grenada,Guatemala, Iraq and Chile were all worse off after Uncle Sam intervened with their bully boy tactics.
  24. The bad outweighs the good massively. When they say jump we better all jump or else especially with an idiotic megalomaniac in the White House.
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