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Everything posted by KarlMarx

  1. Sounds like every Republican President social policy to me. Why does America poke its nose in where it's not wanted? Stay out our fucking business.
  2. I would say you're the moron my friend. You were fooled by the far right fuckers like Farage only in for themselves. I'll continue to watch Al Jazeera and Russia Today you watch Fox News for its comedy value. Keep bowing down to the alky toad Farage and the racist Trump. We all know it was all about those pesky immigrants coming here to do the jobs white Brits are too fucking lazy to do.
  3. The right wing bigots like UKRAP and tge rest of the insular Little Englanders would still vote leave. Such a major decision should not have had as little as 52% being allowed to dictate to us what happens. Being in the EU is better than being allied to Trump and his bigoted far right entourage.
  4. Democracy is merely mob rule whereby 52% of the people can bully the other 48% into doing something they know is wrong for the country. I will never listen to the knuckledraggers like Farage and Robinson telling me we're better being controlled by Trump than being part of a well run EU.
  5. Isn't it only anti Semitic if there is no truth in it? There has always been a strong Jewish lobby in America. Hence the lack of criticism of any Israeli tactics no matter how barbaric.
  6. This excellent book explains it all and is still very relevant.
  7. What part of you're not even fucking American do you find difficult to comprehend. America is a cesspit of racism and religous nutjobs that is at the root of most of the worlds problems.
  8. Ok I made a mistake. Pretty sure he has an incestous relationship with her anway. It's a common trait in backward rednecks like Trump.
  9. Agreed. Trump is just the latest of long line of dumb c***s the idiotic Americans have elected President. I tweeted that I thought that Trump was a candidate for assassination and some dumb American retweeted to FBI saying I was a security threat!
  10. Simple really. The c**t dies leaving his widow very rich. He is a c**t and deserves to die. It would only take one bullet.
  11. And look at the fucking mess he is making off it. A well placed bullet could make the world a safer place and Ivana a very rich widow.
  12. Yet again Trump shows what a fucking clown he is. What a bunck of stupid redneck racists Americans are if they thing this fucking scumbag piece of shit should be President.
  13. Where did you prove me wrong my fake American thicko? You are almost as stupid as Trump with his distinct lack of knowledge of the world. Pence and Trump are bigots against everybody who isnt a W.A.S.P. Look into Trump's bullying tqctics in Aberdeen to get his own way. He isn't fit to run a hotel never mind a country. I will never apologise to a thick fucking racist bigot Trump supporting arsehole like you.
  14. It totally amazes me that the working classes voted for brexit and Trump when both are set up to f**k over the working class. We will never learn it seems.
  15. Saying literally in front of everything is the one that annoys me. Another one coming from reality tv.
  16. You can't debate with an idiot. You support Trump therefore you are an idiot. Trump speaks like a 5 year old who has just had has toys stolen. I always thought Americans were a bit stupid and electing a clown like Trump just confirmed this for me. Thanks for choosing a clown with no clue with the power to end the world.
  17. Is Trump grabbing pussies part of your family values?
  18. He is quoted many times that he thinks that gays can be and should be cured. Ffs do a bit of reading instead of just listening to the politics for dummies that Trump comes out with.
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