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Nithsdale Wanderer

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  1. He may have moved on anyway but I suspect strongly that Bartley's treatment of him had a negative effect. Always remember Bartley saying not long after he came in that Gibson was playing too many games for his age ! Well, he certainly stuck to that and denied the Palmerston faithful many opportunities to enjoy a wonderful local talent that could positively impact games. McKechnie always seemed to be his favourite despite the fact he could not deliver a decent cross ever. He - Bartley - just did not get anything right.
  2. Not from the Club but from the genius that was Marvin Bartley ! How much good did that do us ?
  3. Didn't seem to do us much harm in 12/13 or 14/15. Comes down to quality, not where you train.
  4. Not as simple as that. Why would they want to stand accused of that ? It must be purely financial, in my opinion. We just have to really hope that part of that contract was to at least make top 4 and anything else is failure and can lead to parting of ways without having to pay up full contract.
  5. Spot on. That is what he has done to players and fans alike and led to the appalling and desperate situation we are now in. He presents aloof and arrogant and nothing is his fault, ever.
  6. Was really looking forward to that, as JR's farewell - Captain for the day - but all went horribly wrong !
  7. Not a great recommendation. They have been a basket case for years and massively underachieved because they have had no stability off the field.
  8. Think we are doing quite well on that one are we not ?
  9. That is the reality for Clubs like us and has been for decades - think Ted McMinn, Andy Thomson and good Cup draws over the years. It doesn't mean " incompetent business management" just reflects the fact we are a small club with a small fan base compared to others. This Board have delivered additional revenue streams from the Arena and multi use of the playing surface. If that wasn't there then we would really be in trouble.
  10. How do you know that is not the case ? That's the hope I am clinging to .
  11. Andy Murray on his current struggles ; "The only way to find solutions to win matches. It can also be played out in training, working on your game, but what happens in training doesn't always translate into a match. "In 2016, when I finished world number 1, my coach told me that I had maybe won two or three training sets during the whole year. This year, I won almost all of them and I can't win a single match! You have to perform in competition, that's the only thing that counts." Could Bartley take anything from that ?
  12. How do we know they haven't ? They will have regular meetings as all Clubs/Managers do. Agree completely about making top 4. Unless we undergo a complete transformation and produce attacking/winning performances, it's not going to happen and whilst we all want that to happen it seems highly unlikely under this Manager and his approach thus far. In a way I get when he says , like a lot of Managers, judge me at the end of the season. However, where we finish is determined by where and what we are doing now - a dangerous, arrogant approach given our record so far. I would have preferred him to be gone already but understand the potential financial implications for the Club so it looks like he will be here to season end. Even if by some miracle we made top 4 I would still want rid given his attitude and approach to the job. He is remote from reality and the Club and its supporters. My hope is that there is some performance clause in his contract re. making top 4 and that failure to do so will mean a much cheaper option for the Board to sack him at end of season.
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