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Nithsdale Wanderer

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Posts posted by Nithsdale Wanderer

  1. He may have moved on anyway but I suspect strongly that Bartley's treatment of him had a negative effect.  Always remember Bartley saying not long after he came in that Gibson was playing too many games for his age !

    Well, he certainly stuck to that and denied the Palmerston faithful many opportunities to enjoy a wonderful local talent that could positively impact games.  McKechnie always seemed to be his favourite despite the fact he could not deliver a decent cross ever.

    He - Bartley - just did not get anything right.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Riviera711 said:

    Maybe they are thinking that there is a correlation with our horrendously, season-on-season, poor home form and the fact that the players only ever see Palmerston once every fortnight.

    Familiarity might breed whatever the opposite of contempt is 🤔 (liking, approval ?) and so improve home form.

    Didn't seem to do us much harm in 12/13 or 14/15.

    Comes down to quality, not where you train.

  3. 11 hours ago, Hugh Hillshaveyes said:

    Which brings it back to why he's still there...board pigheadedness... dereliction of duty. Surely they don't want to go down in history for all the wrong reasons 

    Not as simple as that. Why would they want to stand accused of that ?

    It must be purely financial, in my opinion. 

    We just have to really hope that part of that contract was to at least make top 4 and anything else is failure and can lead to parting of ways without having to pay up full contract.

  4. On 09/04/2024 at 09:58, palmy_cammy said:

    Sadly Bartley seems to have no interest in appeasing people, and instead prefers to antagonise and alienate.

    Spot on.  That is what he has done to players and fans alike and led to the appalling and desperate situation we are now in.

    He presents aloof and arrogant and nothing is his fault, ever.

  5. 20 hours ago, Artemis said:

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting more connection between the players and the fans or having a better atmosphere at home games. But I think any improvement in results would be very minor. The thing that will make the biggest difference is having a competent manager. If Queens had that and were up near the top of the league, there wouldn’t be any conversations about the rest of it.


  6. 42 minutes ago, FyldeCoastDoonhamer said:

    Not so sure about that. Still scarred by that 7-0 drubbing at Palmerston and that was just meaningless end-of-season stuff (1993?) 

    Was really looking forward to that,  as JR's farewell - Captain for the day - but all went horribly wrong !

  7. 1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

    It really is getting boring now. He can sit and blame the players' lack of motivation and I do agree they should take some responsibility there but the buck stops with Bartley. As manager it's his job to motivate his team; in any industry! 

    I've worked under managers where I'd help them out if needed and other managers I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. Football is no different. If your players aren't willing to 'run through a brick wall' for you then you're doing something wrong IMO. I think there is still a good number of players in our side capable of competing well at this level but they're under the wrong guidance. 


  8. 11 hours ago, Slipmat said:

    The final paragraph (apart from the AGM) is so defeatist and negative... and annoying.  Relying on a freak cup draw or unearthing another Lyndon Dykes every season and blaming losses on those factors suggests incompetent business management to me.  Plenty said about pinning hopes on what unexpected income we might have acquired through luck, and a resignation that losses are inevitable, but not a single word on what the board have been or will be doing to attract investment.  It's all very "this is where we are and there's nothing we can do about it".

    That is the reality for Clubs like us and has been for decades  - think Ted McMinn, Andy Thomson and good Cup draws over the years.

    It doesn't mean " incompetent business management" just reflects the fact we are a small club with a small fan base compared to others.

    This Board have delivered additional revenue streams from the Arena and multi use of the playing surface.

    If that wasn't there then we would really be in trouble.  

  9. Andy Murray on his current struggles ;

     "The only way to find solutions to win matches. It can also be played out in training, working on your game, but what happens in training doesn't always translate into a match.

    "In 2016, when I finished world number 1, my coach told me that I had maybe won two or three training sets during the whole year. This year, I won almost all of them and I can't win a single match! You have to perform in competition, that's the only thing that counts."

    Could Bartley take anything from that ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Otis Blue said:

    The BOD should at least be having a word with their man.

    How do we know they haven't ?  They will have regular meetings  as all Clubs/Managers do.

    Agree completely about making top 4.  Unless we undergo a complete transformation and produce attacking/winning performances, it's not going to happen and whilst we all want that to happen it seems highly unlikely under this Manager and his approach thus far.

    In a way I get when he says , like a lot of Managers,  judge me at the end of the season.  However, where we finish is determined by where and what we are doing now - a dangerous, arrogant approach given our record so far.

    I would have preferred him to be gone already but understand the potential financial implications for the Club so it looks like he will be here to season end.  Even if by some miracle we made top 4 I would still want rid given his attitude and approach to the job. He is remote from reality and the Club and its supporters.

    My hope is that there is some performance clause in his contract re. making top 4 and that failure to do so will mean a much cheaper option for the Board to sack him at end of season.

  11. 1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    I'm finding the egocentric nature of this 'gameplan' stuff irritating.

    Again, he seems to gauge performance by some perceived adherence to his plan or otherwise.  Meanwhile, the rest of us stick with outmoded measures, like results, league tables and the strain on our boredom thresholds.  

    His recruitment has been lousy and his deployment of resources questionable.  Yet he talks as if we're bumping along quite decently.

    I'm not suggesting this level is beneath us - comparable clubs like Ayr and Raith and Morton  have spent relatively recent time here, as have demonstrably bigger ones like Falkirk and Dunfermline.  However, I am pointing out that we've spent the vast bulk of this century in the one above, and it's where we very realistically aspire to be.  I sometimes wonder if Bartley knows this, given how he sets us up and talks.

    Spot on.  That's all he talks about.  Never any mention of the impact on fans experience or the understandable reluctance of people to spend money to watch what is on offer

    It is really concerning to see several posters on here expressing their feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration and approaching apathy.  Completely understandable but he doesn't seem to get it.

    I have been going long enough to realise - and have witnessed before - that QOS will always have spells similar to this but this seems one of the worst, although bizarrley we are not far off 4th which I think is what he hangs on to.

    The other side is though, that matters to fans, is our disastrous Home form.  Only 3 wins against the bottom two is dreadful. Never any mention of that from Bartley, no reference made yesterday , in an interview that was complete waffle , of yet another 3 points lost at Home. That is what drives people away.

    I cannot see any positives from his tenure - poor recruitment, lack of communication, inneffective coaching - he might think he is doing the right things - but it doesn't come through in performance or more importantly in results.  Poor man management and deployment of talented forward thinking players who seem bound by defensive duties.  Whenever did JR or Ted McMinn have to  be focussed on defending.  You play them to entertain, create and score goals.

    I could go on but just want to point out that I am not attending games at the moment - for reasons other than those mentioned - some might say that is a blessing in disguise - but I have family and friends who do who keep me informed as well as my following folks thoughts on here.

    Even if we were to make top 4- which I strongly doubt - I think Bartley should go at season end, preferably before.  He has demonstrated he is not the right man to take us forward nor provide a style and approach that is attractive for people to watch.

  12. 2 minutes ago, HighlandQueen said:

    Well done to Accies who passed the ball better and cut us open on the flanks. With them hitting wood three times it could have been more

    Wasn't there today but was at the 1st Accies (H).  That's exactly what they did then.  So management learned nothing from that and seems precious 'game plan' allowed them to repeat their dominance today.  So it goes on and on.

  13. 9 hours ago, Slipmat said:

    The dial on the Bartley Bullshit Detector has also zoomed back into the red zone too, since one of his first utterings after being appointed to the job was that he felt he had inherited a squad that was too big.  Well, he now seems to have assembled one which is approximately 5 players up on the one Gibson left him with.  I think I'm going to stop listening to him for the sake of my own sanity. 

    He did indeed say that and also that it lacked experience and was unbalanced !   He has exceeded all that.

    One thing he has stuck to though is - and alarm bells sounded for me then -  was that Lewis Gibson was playing too much and needed protected.

  14. 20 hours ago, queenslad said:

    s MB being a defender an issue? All you hear from him his about organisation about not conceding a goal, never anything about trying to go forward, get into opposition half and have attempts on goal. How good are we at set plays - free kirks in and around the box and corners? Does McKay not have a good long throw? Do we practice these parts of the game or is it all about positional play in stopping opponents?

    Do we have a forward coach?


    That's a good point. I can't recall him commenting much on forward play.  Of course, Managers will tell you that the foundation for winning games is not conceding - not very good at that either - but that needs to be allied with a ' game plan ' for creating chances too.  We have creative players that seem stifled , even in our  own league.

    Regarding strikers coach, Derek Lyle as Player / Coach for remainder of season - at least - would be ideal.  He is very good with younger players from what I have heard.

    A bit like the Cup - Tie, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain  by being more expansive. Let's go 2 up front, especially at Home.

    Lyle and Reilly together would score more goals than any other current option we have !

    Usually, I don't agree with Boards interfering in playing matters but I think they should at this time and tell the Manager to provide a  more entertaining approach to try and arrest decline in attendances. If Bartley doesn't like it then he can consider his position.  Win/Win if he goes of his own accord.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Biblemaster said:

    I suspect, much like Craig Levein with Dobbie and Scotland, Marvin just doesn't like "flair players"!

    You could have a point there.  It seems that it's all about the team and " the game plan " with Bartley and also your fitness levels.

    Of course , you want your players to be as fit as possible but there will always be some who are less so than others.  Loads of examples but I will uses a balanced OF one.  Kris Boyd and John Hartson were hardly the most mobile but scored loads of important goals to contribute to their teams performance.

    Closer to home and topical is one Stephen Dobbie.  I think we would all agree that first time around he wasn't at his physical peak but still contributed enormously to teams success.  

    Applying Bartley's approach he would not have featured much , if at all, and may well have been moved on as a player who did not want to be here anymore !   Can you imagine that ?

    Lewis Gibson has massive potential and is the type of exciting player fans want to see - we don't have them very often. It is an absolute disgrace the way Bartley has handled him. I don't buy all this injury and fitness  nonsense, he is young, talented, enthusiastic and should be encouraged not wasted away.

    The way things are going right  now he will likely move on sooner rather than later and QOS fans will have been denied the opportunity to see him perform as much as they should have.  Disgraceful and another example of Bartley's poor management.

    Of course he did say not long after he came in that Gibson had been playing too much and needed protecting.

    I have never forgotten that and alarm bells started sounding for me at that point.

  16. 4 hours ago, Swarley said:

    How are Sean O'Connor's knees these days? Could we sign him until the end of the season? 

    If not, I suspect Derek Lyle will still keep himself in shape and would be more likely to find the net on more occasions than either Hutchinson or Doherty.

    Those at Palmerston today will be able to give a more accurate assessment though.

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