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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. I assume the "NO player will be leaving Somerset this window" includes him
  2. Liam Smith picks Ayr United over Dundee United hardlines but thanks for playing
  3. Mandatory team tattoos if they win the league,although of McCall not the badge
  4. That wind up Rose transfer on the sre fb, some guy in the comments claims to know him says he spoke with Rose who said he wants to win the league with Ayr and get the badge tattooed on his back. Another wind up I dunno.
  5. What's the matter, no shite transfer rumours to post you choose a six day old comment to reply to. I hope you pay this much attention to other teams thread.
  6. The fruit and veg store couple of doors up from the deli where all the produce sitting outside catches the exhaust fumes from the lorries going by.
  7. Maybole has it's spots too, there's Jane's Delicatessen, and the Co-op does a cracking five quid meal deal.
  8. County buildings were supposed to go there but they've mucked it up with the cost, design and I think it got rejected when it went up for vote. They'd be as well as turning it into a mini garden with a coffee shop because the view from their is quite good.
  9. Only sports shops left are JD at the shopping centre and Sports Direct at the top of the town I think, and a couple of hiking shops. Surprised the Odeon is still kicking about, but that'll be next to go no doubt.
  10. If Caldwell wants him gone, and Erskine doesn't want to go, a loan till the end of the season sounds like a good option, with us paying a chunk of his wages. Then by that time Caldwell might be gone.
  11. Not sure anything can match the Vaughan loan. Absolutely bizarre decision.
  12. A happy clapper in the context of this discussion is someone who won't stand for any criticism of the teams performance, who can't judge a game on it's own merit but instead thinks it has to be done in the context of the last four years. And who blows the mild criticism, and it has been mild, way out of proportion.
  13. Who said anything about the club doing things differently. How about not jumping down folks throat whenever they make the mildest criticism of the team or a performance, which usually includes the "remember where we were...." line. A line so worn out that not even McCall uses it any more
  14. That's okay though because at the moment everyone else is making an arse of it too. Although with the signings other clubs are making, and due to make, you'd think it'd click for at least one of them to make a run at it. McCall said he expected it to tighten up and he's probably right, wouldn't surprise if it's only a few points separating the top six come seasons end
  15. How long has it been since your smugness made an appearance, much shorter than a year, eh?
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