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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. The highlights are a funny one because they would know themselves they were shite, they didn't need the fans to tell them. Yet they were quite happy to let it drag on for about a season and a half at least. Ok Mathie said he was tinkering with it, whatever that means, but feels like they were making a mountain out of a mole hill with that one. In terms of income streams they seem to be chucking everything at the wall to see what sticks. When maybe there should be a more considered approach when asking fans to put their hand in their pocket.
  2. I know your chances of winning any lottery are miniscule but the Ayr one is the least winniest about. There is literally no incentive to play it.
  3. If Mathie does that after everything he's said in these interviews then you can never believe another word he says again.
  4. I wonder if he's stretching himself a bit too thin with all these ideas he's got and whatever else is going on in his daily duties. Lots of half measures and things unfinished or take too long to implement. The highlights for example shouldn't have taken that long to sort out.
  5. So, seems like Mathie was fucking about with the highlights last season, trying new things new people etc. Hopefully that's it settled now.
  6. Lots of waffle here about being united, taking responsibility etc. Burnley link doesn't exist anymore, lol.
  7. Yes, would pay good money to hear the specifics about the Bangala signing.
  8. Yes Graeme, there are a number of different reasons for that.. No.1, the football is shite to watch. glad to clear that up for you because you looked a bit confused about that part.
  9. Starting with the recruitment aspect again disappointed he didn't specifically mention any of the duds.
  10. If Bullen doesn't fancy him I despair at what's going on at the club.
  11. The fact we have got Chalmers and Dowds on loan. I take it their two parent teams don't expect us to be much of a threat this season.
  12. My hope for this game is us at least looking like there are signs of improvement in the team. The idea of taking any points seems a long way off.
  13. Till end of season I see, what's his contract situation like? If he does well I suppose he'll be recalled in January then?
  14. Murphy: Why did you actively seek out to come here and are you now regretting that decision.
  15. Had to look up who David Ferguson was, remember him now. Plying his trade at Berwick Rangers it seems and doing quite well, won multiple player of the year awards last season for his efforts playing across all positions in the defence.
  16. The current squad is a smorgasbord of inadequacy. God knows what the turnaround for it will be like next season.
  17. Got a feeling this foreign player they didn't get would have been a Bangala 2.0 and they didn't learn a thing from that disaster and repeated the same exact mistake again.
  18. Odd that he completely ignored the striker question both times it was asked. Don't see the harm in saying either no it's not a position we are looking at or it is.
  19. Thought that would have been covered in the recruitment part though. Not sure what part two will be about now since they are grouping them into categories.
  20. A lot of generic non-specific answers interrupted by a specific answer every now and then.
  21. He mentioned McGeady and that he'll talk about him later and then never did. they are def going to try and weather this storm, a big part of that being about the newness of the squad and them gelling together.
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