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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Yeah, Ashford did a job, of sorts, bit unfair to put him in the dud category completely. Wonder if Bullen is regretting letting him go now, thinking to himself could he do a job in midfield. Gondoh was a strange one, got less game time than Bangala but I refuse to believe he was actually worse than him.
  2. This has been my mindset as of late, and I feel all the better for it. For too many years I just automatically turn up on a Saturday regardless of how miserable it has been. A week or two, or a few, away from it is actually quite refreshing.
  3. Wasn't actually asking you to do it by the way, but fair play. Miss rate is def too high though...
  4. Certainly this season it is verging on that. I would like a list of incomings since the recruitment team has been put in just to see what the success rate is like.
  5. Yeah, I'm not buying that much either, he's an adult not a kid, and even then it's not like he's come from some far away land. I'm going for fallout.
  6. Yeah, that seems the most plausible to me atm given the abruptness of it all.
  7. Not sure what Smith can do apart from chuck money at it, and the way recruitment is going atm that would prob be a waste too.
  8. Yes Dave tough few weeks ahead. Oh....you're talking about the redevelopment.
  9. If Bullen doesn't fancy Pendlebury and he ends up released in Jan or next summer then the recruitment process needs serious questions asked about it. Would be an utter joke if that happened.
  10. Chalmers is this seasons Dipo for Bullen. Except he's not going to give the same goal return, he will create many chances but is there going to be anyone on the end of them.
  11. Chucking the players under the bus publicly only ends one way. Shades of Kerr...
  12. These Bullen quotes lately. Something def seems off.... Besides the obvious.
  13. It's good that the club have modernised and have a backroom staff looking into all these things. There is a danger they overdo it for a club our size and that it isn't being utilised for any great benefit.It's the kinda thing I could have seen Kerr embracing and using well, I'm not sure about Bullen. Although he does seem a bit more open to that kind of stuff than a McCall/Hopkin/Duffy.
  14. Maybe the lad is a baller but Bullen has completely ruined him after that Morton horror show.
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