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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Are you going to have the tantrum of all tantrums when transfer deadline day passes and the club haven't signed Chalmers? Worse, he signs for another Championship club? Cannot wait..
  2. Wonder what happens if we don't get him. A loan, paying over the odds for an old duffer like Maguire, or just bring no one in and go with what we've got. Still think he'll end up down South.
  3. Stranraer playoff was brutal, couldn't have handed it to them on a plate any more. Although there was an Inverness game at home where it was all over after about 10 minutes. Think it was under McCall, hazy on details but two down, makeshift defence, wacky formation. That was a slog getting through that game.
  4. Because Bangala and Gondoh were afforded that... Obvs way too early to say that about him but not like we don't have form for that type of thing.
  5. then you'd hope they have some kind of assurance, whatever that's worth, from him that he wants to join. If that kind of things allowed anyway.
  6. Yeah this is exactly what's happening and it'll be their own fault for it.
  7. I love how every player we sign is brilliant based on a sliver of a stat or vid but every player other teams sign are shite based on the same criteria.
  8. Now you've got all our hopes up and fucked it. Well done mate...
  9. Maybe with what happened with Maguire and Mullin the club are not pushing out a bit more this season
  10. I don't think Bangala going changes a single thing in regard to the squad.
  11. He'll be away South at the last minute I think. Be crazy for the club to consider the terms of last time we had him.
  12. Baird has never made a mistake playing for you? Quite the achievement.
  13. This would be hilarious tbf, especially if it's kept under wraps until 2.00
  14. That's a more fun rumour, let battle commence. I'll go first.... Maguire...
  15. I remember that. Class Action Park is another good documentary with a similar theme
  16. Yet again it's not the defeat that worries me but the manner of it. It was basically just a continuation of second half of last season and I've already aired my views many times on what I thought of that. I don't think we're relegation fodder, although I wouldn't rule it out just now, nor can I see us pushing for a top four either. If we just stagnate mid table for the whole season, being completely unremarkable...I'm not sure I could stand watching a full season of that.
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