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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Quelle fucking surprise. An absolute lost cause, no idea why he's still around.
  2. Yeah, if Finn isn't asking for a move tomorrow morning then what's the point.
  3. On signing a McInroy type midfielder, I think Dempsey should be geared into that type player. I think Bullen has already alluded as such at some point, and if he chips in with a few more goals and assists in his attacking play then it'll be more attractive when the club needs to sell him next summer.
  4. Next year we'll all be trying to remember the name of that guy who sometimes played on the wing for a season.
  5. We're actually going to carry him for the season to allow him a seasons paid vacation aren't we?
  6. Monsieur, with these 1080p 60fps clips you're really spoiling us.
  7. I need to see something in this cup campaign to show that it just won't be a continuation of second half of last season. Because that was amongst, if not, not the worst I've seen, certainly the most boring. Utterly bored out my skull watching them for large portions, utterly predictable, generic and had me questioning why I was even there spending money on this.
  8. Club have had since January, at least, to devise a transfer policy and identify players for this season. They knew Dipo would be away and where the weak links were, I know they know this because we knew it, and if we can see it so can they. So unsure why we didn't get things done early, sure targets can turn us down, but surely you have backups to the backups in case of that. And throwing in offers for Graham and McKay just reeks of desperation.
  9. With Dipo away Bullen will play him up front to give him his "chance", see what he's like. Pray he doesn't score a couple in the cup on the off chance Bullen thinks he could play there for the season.
  10. Nothing of substance I'm sure. Like a less well organised Question Time.
  11. On the media side? I'm not really sure they do, but I'm sure it's hard to critique someone when they're doing it for nothing. And it feels like Callum has a little bit too much say in this area
  12. You peasants should all be grateful for the scraps and morsels of info the club allows you to have...
  13. And not give a shit ultimately, or have a good laugh at it. Can def see Smith lurking about.
  14. All these points raised here, I don't think the club sees any issue. Because although we might vent here about them, we are only a tiny minority, and the majority of fans are of the same opinions as Wattoo, so the club thinks all is well and that, and there's nothing that needs to be addressed. There might be a small overlap with some things, like the season ticket early bird thing, but on the whole, all the things we mention here I don't think even register with Mathie etc.
  15. I am way behind on what is going on at the club at the moment, I think my "enthusiasm" from last season has seemed to carry on to this one. Hopefully that changes when the competitive stuff starts.
  16. We had a game tonight?... If there's another vision quest night at the hub any time soon, someone please ask what's going on with the media department. Couldn't stand another season of that shite.
  17. Was it not the lockdown that gutted it? they should do their own draw from the hub and livestream it, like the raffle draw so at least someone wins it
  18. Don't think anyone has ever won it. Whole thing is a complete non event.
  19. No, a few folk have commented on how Bullen said at the vision night they had done their homework on him etc.. Caught out on another one of his fibs...
  20. Club did its homework on him though.. Optimism in the extreme mate. He's a complete dud and way way out of his depth.
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