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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Tell me who they are mate I'll sort them out for you don't you worry about that.
  2. Very complimentary quotes by Hartley. Don't see it myself but obviously they know better than me, by a million percent.
  3. Hartley must have seen something he liked in him last night at least, wonder if this was just all arranged this morning then.
  4. Not on IPTV or any of the other usual sites. Like the fucking dark ages.
  5. I am extremely interested to see how Bangala does. Or maybe it's morbid curiosity. If Bullen is able to get a tune out of him he's some kind of wizard.
  6. Wearing that kit on Friday gives me an instant uneasy feeling in my tum tum
  7. So he's been released by Livi and signed till the end of the season?
  8. Symbocially speaking Livi are trying to tear him away from Ayr but he's not having it. Or some such nonsense
  9. If we are pushing the boat out a bit regarding wages for this new guy, has that caused some drama with Livi regarding Mullin?
  10. Been on a Twin Peaks binge past couple of weeks. Hadn't watched it in years but being a bit older now I could 'understand' it a lot better than I did the first time, well as much as you can understand Lynch. Season 2 was severely bloated and season 3 I thought was just incredible, especially episode 8. Interestingly there's another version of Fire Walk With Me called Missing Pieces, which is a collection of deleted scenes. Well worth a watch as it adds a lot context to the original movie.
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