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Posts posted by Rodders1910

  1. 2 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

    I think that market had been identified as being a good one for uncovering a gem and selling on for a large profit. That strategy was mentioned several times by Mathie and was the direction the club had chosen to follow 

    I understand that but the point is that Bullen was either too lazy to look for proven championship level players in the Scottish market or didn't have the back bone to push for more of these types of signings. Either way it looks bad on him imo.

  2. 6 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

    Do you think Bullen went out his way to unearth gems from random leagues in England? Difficult to say but from what i gather it was a collegiate approach with Bullen having the final say. I'm not really expecting that he was knocking back lots of profiles on local players from Glendining to bring in random english ones. Would have been interesting to see the calibre of the other options that he had if these were the best ones selected 

    As the first team coach/manager I think that if Bullen said he didn't didn't want to shop in that market then Mathie etc would have listened. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Shibuya said:

    On a serious note, Franny had so much potential but he just couldn't put together a decent run of form and two managers refused to play him regularly for whatever reason. Rose was just never good enough at this level, like a lot of Glendinning's signings.

    You say Glendinning's signings but they were really Bullen's signings. He would have had the final say on these and his poor decisions in the transfer market were his biggest problem

  4. 2 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    I think people expect too much from wide players at times though, you can’t exactly be expecting someone to be involved in the game when we are pinging it to the heads of Baird and Broadfoot. When we gave him it into his feet he generally made something happen. 

     Brown wasn’t telling him where to be a lot of the time either really, it was the odd time. 

    It certainly happened a good few times and more so than he did with anyone else. 

    I do think his positioning and reading of the game is a bit poor and thought it was very noticable how often the ball came out the left side of the pitch after he was replaced by Murphy. Maybe he needs more game time to get up to scratch with that side of things 

  5. Thought we deserved the win in the second half and had a couple of good chances to do so.

    Don't think McKenzie was too bad in centre mid.

    Amartey had a couple of good moments including an assist but found him very frustrating to watch. Seemed to constantly be in the wrong position or not making a run and looking for the ball. He had large spells where he wasn't involved in the game whatsoever and spent a lot of the first half being told where to be by Brown.

  6. Thought McAlister was brilliant tonight.

    Can see why Amartey doesn't get more game time - he's not very good. That moment when he got the ball into the corner on the 90th minute and passed it straight to the Airdrie keeper sums him up.

    Brown and Whitaker deserve a lot of credit for that result tonight when you look at the state our squad at the moment.

    Also excuse me for being out the loop but what's happened to the goalkeeping coach and why tf is that pr*ck Stillie back in the dugout?

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