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Posts posted by senorsoupe

  1. I like how they trot out all the candidates on stage, including the Monster Raving Looney Party folks, and I like how the camera is focusing on said Monster Raving Looney Party guy

  2. 4 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

    He’s not; he’s a fat ride who’s spent the last 5 years trying to climb out of Will Self’s pocket. 

    Ah OK, maybe it was just the way the BBC pundits put on a super fake French accent to pronounce  his name that threw me off

  3. I don't really know most of these politicians but keeping an eye on things.  Glad to see you guys have punted your Tories, who from an outside perspective have looked to be incredibly inept for the best part of a decade.  As I don't know most of MP's I will judge them by their name and appearance.  For example Mark Francois sounds like the name of a guy who is super elitist

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