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Posts posted by JinkyBairn

  1. 4 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

    16 with 6 to come in. 4 loans and 2 permanent signings.



    Robbie Mutch

    Paul Dixon
    Blair Sneddon
    Ryan Williamson
    Brad Mckay
    Ben Hall
    Leon McCann

    Callumn Morrison
    Gary Miller
    Steven Hetherington
    Aidan Nesbitt
    Charlie Telfer
    Craig Mcguffie
    Seb Ross

    Aidan Keena (Injured)
    Anton Dowds

    That team looks pish btw. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

    I have loved Pink Floyd all my long adult life.   At no time have I wasted any time worrying about who is managing their business matters and how they go about it.   I had no f**ks to give for that.  It's the end product that matters.  Likewise, I have been a Falkirk supporter all my adult life and as long as the people behind the scenes are not criminals, defrauding the club or up to any other shenanigans I have very few monkeys to give.   Yes, if they don't have the team's interest at heart I would like them to go forth and procreate.   I am no-one.  I have no power of influence to change them.   I have no interest in the business operations of the club, but I am glad other people do.  I cannot pretend I have the business acumen to judge.   I only have passionate interest in the team on the park.   This might expose my ignorance, but at the end of the day the team means everything, the board mean nothing to me.

    Mental comparison.


    Also, no one is stopping you from happy clapping another 10 years of failure. Kick on.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    The most disappointing thing in all this has been the utterly piss poor standard of banter on here.  Christ we're ripe for the picking. 5th/6th in the league hardly won a game of late and all we've had are pictures of folk laughing, jokes from 20 year ago and people saying your team's pish. What's happened to the world? Poor show when the best level of pish take has actually been from Falkirk fans.  Too many lazy lazy posts. I remember the day when people actually put an effort in when it came to that but those days seem to have gone now unfortunately. It's sad really.😢😢


    Give it a rest man fs. Easily the worst poster in this thread.

  4. 23 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

    We’ve all chewed what’s been wrong with recent managers and useless players. I’ll pose this question and know it’s hypothetical, auntie had baws etc.

    If Davis Keillor Dunn hadn’t whipped off his top at Palmerston when scoring in injury time and getting himself sent off, and the resultant draw from a certain win, would  we have then went on to beat Alloa and avoid being relegated ? 

    Who cares man fs.

  5. These Falkirk TV interviews are just a waste of everyone’s time man. Club is an absolute mess and Holt is getting asked shitebag questions for him to easily step through without a fuss.

    Also, the cheek to constantly go on about the team being young when you were involved with signing them at a crucial point in the season. It’s not even like they are our young players that we are developing, we are getting zero benefit out of these players. They aren’t good enough just now and they won’t be with us if they become good later.

    Hopefully it’s all over come Tuesday night and some sort of purge can begin. Otherwise, this club is well and truly fucked.

  6. 11 minutes ago, bairn88 said:

    It really does. But I don’t see us signing 18 new players so was trying to think what the best outcome may be, realistically. Basically, we’re fucked.

    We need to empty the fucking lot. No other way to go about it. Not a single player out this muck that I would be happy to see in a bairns shirt next season.

  7. 1 minute ago, bairn88 said:

    GK - I’d keep Mutch, but with a very competitive backup ala PJ Morrison 

    Def - Williamson (hopefully), Dixon, maybe keep Kelly.  Bin Durnan, Hall, G Miller, Sneeddon, mclelland, Neilson and deveney away

    Midfield - Telfer, Morrison, maybe Gomis. Bin Alston, Connolly, Leitch, Francis, Laverty and Fotheringham is away 

    Strikers - tempting to bin all. Maybe keep keena/dowds at a push. Sammon has to go 

    That gives us 


    Williamson - - Kelly

    Morrison - Gomis Telfer - 

    Keena/Dowds - 

    It really is tempting to bin every single one of them but we’ve done enough of that. We need at least a touch of consistency team wise 

    That team still looks fucking reeking pal. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    My point was that a guy that played for  and managed us with distinction over a long period of time who’s commitment whilst in either post was never in question at any time deserved far better from our supporters.

    Agreed. I gave him pelters tbf at the time, but regret it now. Easily my favourite manager in my time supporting the club since the final Brockville season.

  9. 1 minute ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    ......and that includes the Boardroom. Where do you have to go to in order to find a Bairnardo in the Boardroom. Deans? Not a chance. McFarlane? He’s a Hibee. Kazaly? Celtic through and through.

    Holt is clearly no better than M&M. Not a surprise given M&M were big pals of his. So who hired this unmitigated bag of shite? Mrs Rawlins was happy to heap the credit onto Gary Deans as the real mastermind when we were 7 points clear, and he was happy to lap it up when he thought the league was done and dusted.

    So, Mr Chairman, how does it feel now? Now that you’ve appointed a Sporting Director who is demonstrably no better than the dross you just emptied?

    I was serious. Get Louis Theroux on the phone. This could be one of the best car crash football documentaries of all time. How many times can a football club consecutively hire duds into football player, football manager, and boardroom jobs before someone with a brain in their head just screams “ e-n-o-u-g-h” and kicks every single one of them out the door. Fools hiring fools so that they can hire fools too.

    Spot on. 

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