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Everything posted by philpy

  1. There should be a death penalty for people who cannot grasp the fact they can fill their car up from any side at a petrol station.
  2. Innis and Gunn original. Won 4 bottles in a Twitter competition. Going down far too easy though.
  3. Innis and Gunn original. Won 4 bottles in a Twitter competition. Going down far too easy though.
  4. Wife is getting her first vaccine on the 6th of march.
  5. Sorry mate. Engineering works. She'll have to get the bus replacement service.
  6. I'd genuinely like to come to the next one should the occasion ever arise. A Lot of good c***s on here these days.
  7. What's Sting's favourite mobile deal?? Sim only, sim only, sim only
  8. Visitor to the garden. Not sure what though.
  9. Why did the piece of cheese get kicked out of the band?? He failed to turn up for the brie-hersals.
  10. Aye, Think what you like.. I've got friends and family who have businesses that could go under, I've not seen my parents and some friends for the best part of a year, and you get idiots like that brazenly flaunting the rules. Making up stories isn't something I'm remotely interested in right now...
  11. Tanning salon in Portobello has been letting people in by sneaking them in under the front shutter. Myself, along with a few others have seen it happening. Brazen as f**k, and in broad daylight. And only about 2 minutes walk from the plod shop. No I've not grassed them, as I say others have seen it as well.
  12. I'm going out and a limb here, but I think if posters are getting a bit angry and frustrated, then others calling them out isn't a very big and clever thing to do. People's mental health is clearly being affected by what's going on in the world, looking down your noses at them isn't helping one fucking bit.
  13. Facebook business pages that use "z" instead of "s". "Bedz for sale" "white goodz for sale" "uzed carz for sale". f**k off and spell things the right fucking way.
  14. I cleared the car with a soft brush yesterday morning. Chucked it over the garden fence, forgot about it until this morning. Took ages to find the bloody thing in the snow
  15. Coming down heavy here. I despise snow these days. Didn't mind it when I was younger, but now its just a fucking inconvenience.
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