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Everything posted by philpy

  1. My wife had her first dose over a month ago, and has a couple of underlying health problems. I'm considering going down the "unpaid carer" route in order to get my first dose, but kind of feel a wee bit cheeky, like I'm jumping the queue. Should I just go for it???
  2. Hardly haute cuisine, but 2 morton's chicken curry pies.
  3. Last night - "leave the grill to cool down, I'll clean it tonight or first thing tommorow". Guess what I found when I came in from work?? Unreal.
  4. philpy

    Top 5 Gigs

    I second that. Wish I was born a few years earlier, Iove my ska music.
  5. Very very busy at the moment, and a stock take due next week. Management are expecting us to work 3 late nights next week, on top of the late finish on the friday of the stocktake. All because they say yes to every order that comes through, knowing fine well that it's putting added pressure on me and the other 2 guys in the yard.
  6. One of my neighbours knows Hendry very well. I've told him to make sure he signs that fucking contract ASAP.
  7. Prince andrew sorting the catering. Load of pizzas.
  8. She told me this morning she had an "idear". Grounds for divorce...
  9. She seems unable to put a used cup in the sink. Or wipe crumbs off the worktop after she's made toast.
  10. Worst live band ever. Saw them live twice, singer mimed both times.
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