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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Is it common to still be suffering side effects a week after the first vaccine??
  2. Kestrel and goldfinch at musselburgh today.
  3. Any hayfever sufferers on here?? Get yourself one of these. Hay band, £12.99, amazon. Had it on since Monday night, and I've had no symptoms whatsoever. And my hayfever is usually fucking chronic at this time of year.
  4. Perhaps a long shot, but does anyone remember kp "jacks" from the 90s?? I cannot find a picture, but they come as a discontinued brand on the kp wiki page, so they did exist for sure.
  5. I don't think the character in question can quite put his finger(s) on what's happened. Well, I think that's what PG is getting at..
  6. The thought of coming to a point in life where I won't be working Seems daunting. I'm in a job where I'm constantly busy, and my days pass by very quickly. I have no hobbies as such that would fill the void of retirement when that day comes. I'm very much of the mindset that I would work to the day I drop if I could.
  7. I'm not a babe (far from it) but I'd like to nominate myself. We had to get a new washing machine, but had to get one that would fit in the current space. The tumbler drier is in the hall, and i suggested putting the washing machine in the hall as there is more space...
  8. She had her breakfast at 9.30, she leaves for work on a Friday at 11.45. That's what made it unacceptable.
  9. Ah yes. Many a time in a nightclub, the bar staff couldn't quite hear you and you would end up with becks
  10. Good stuff this. And before any cuny mentions the state of my fingernails, I've been out in the garden working.
  11. Was OK after my vaccine yesterday, but ya fucker, I now feel like I've been hit by a bus.
  12. I'm not a lover of needles, but the lady doing my vaccine was very assuring. I noticed afterwards she'd put a wee sticker on my info leaflet
  13. First dose of astra zeneca received today. Very efficient at the community hospital in haddington, 15 minute wait.
  14. Some complete fuckwit from the bottom of our street has been caught driving while disqualified. He's already previously been banned twice. This boils my fucking piss, why do idiots like that just not fucking accept they should not be fucking driving??
  15. "I've found a chest of drawers on gumtree, can you get them for me please??" Aye, thanks for letting me know they were at a top floor tenement...
  16. As i mentioned earlier, got my first vaccine next month (11th). But I've since found out the community hospital in Haddington is allowing walk-ins for over 40s from this Saturday. f**k waiting a month now.
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