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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Hmmm. I thought I didn't recognise the "new window cleaner"....
  2. I heard an interview on the radio earlier, the athlete was asked how he won the race, I was hoping he would say "because I was quicker than the others" , but no.
  3. This will be a few posters at some point https://youtu.be/gX_8knnjbbo
  4. A styx variant?? That's us well and truly snookered now..
  5. And lazy entitled c***s who think they own the street outside their house. If you can't get parked outside your house, park elsewhere and walk a couple of minutes. This exactly. I've got to do it quite often, as do a few others. I don't know why the idiots that double park can't do instead of blocking people in.
  6. The grey one on the left of the other side.
  7. Parking an issue yet again. Are the "double parkers" causing an offence?? Owner of purple car is a repeat offender, and blocked someone else in Last night, and said person left for work at 6.05 this morning, and not knowing where he lives, decided to blast the horn continuously, which didn't go down very well , considering the time.
  8. 6.99 for 6 tins from home bargains. Can't grumble with that for value.
  9. Looks a few folk on this thread have had an early start on the bevvy.
  10. One of my favourite recipes, and so simple. I always tone the spices down a bit however. https://thehappyfoodie.co.uk/recipes/nadiya-hussains-chicken-shawarma
  11. Made more laughable as one of the posters being labelled a racist Is far from it.
  12. https://twitter.com/ScottishBantrr/status/1422164047466831879?s=19
  13. One of my favourites. Did you enjoy it??
  14. Second vaccine on the 10th of August. At the EICC, which will also mean glorious pints in the city centre
  15. OrdinaryRelievedGalapagostortoise-mobile.mp4
  16. One of sister companies is moving to a new location, about 10 minutes away, they've got to be out of the old place by Friday, and they'd decided to keep the place open whilst trying to get stuff shifted for the move, now they are struggling ahead of Friday, and have borrowed two of my yard guys from My team at work, leaving us shorthanded. Surely shutting for a couple of days would have been the better option??
  17. You think so?? I thought it was worse before the lights, lost count of the amount of times I've nearly been wiped out by folk pulling out from the road from the services at the last minute
  18. That was a nice touch getting a Jersey
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