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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I work in Edinburgh but fortunately not anywhere near the centre of the place. Hate venturing near the place unless really necessary. Plenty of shops in the east lothian area for us to use.
  2. His health isn't an issue, he does a lot of long walks, certainly keeps active. Gallbladder surgery can cause a fair bit of weight loss. Someone mentioned a statue earlier - there should be two- one in kirkcaldy, and one here in wallyford .
  3. I'm sure they are not manufactured abroad and just spam random people to sell stuff for them. I'm sure there was some woman on twitter the other day advertising a similar set up to Dunnottar. Wouldn't surprise me if they've done a rangers......
  4. What do you think of the pedestrianisation of Norwich City centre??
  5. Had it before, got it from b and m a while back. Really nice.
  6. I'm worried we'll get a thrashing on Saturday. 4 games in just over a week isn't great.
  7. How dare you speak about my wife like that. Anyway, you specialise in mushrooms and concrete. Leave washing machines to the experts.
  8. Your missus and mine must be related. She made cauliflower cheese and left this behind. I'm sure the judge would acquitt me....
  9. Sainsbury's at Straiton had no unleaded today. Round to Costco, no problem. £1.28 a litre, even better.
  10. Got a letter from aviva today, junk mail, I thought at first . But no, I had a policy with them which "matures" in November. £618. Thank you very much.
  11. Methadone mick is appearing on my ads.. Screen_Recording_20210924-195014_Chrome.mp4
  12. It's not Andy, but there's another Carroll looking for a job..
  13. I've lost 2 family members in the space of 3 weeks. I'm struggling, none of the deaths were sudden, so we were prepared for it, but it's hit me very fucking hard.
  14. Rafa Benitez enjoyed himself at tropicana Edinburgh I see.
  15. So far today I've had 5 pints of best and a Guinness
  16. Plenty of manky hoors in dunfermline....
  17. Scottish half marathon today. The authorities have decided to divert traffic through the village rather than up a short straight road and down a slip road onto the A1.
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